NAME Dancer::Session::Redis - Redis backend for Dancer Session Engine VERSION version 0.20 SYNOPSIS # in the Dancer config.yml: session: 'Redis' redis_session: sock: '/var/run/redis.sock' password: 'QmG_kZECJAvAcDaWqqSqoNLUka5v3unMe_8sqYMh6ST' database: 1 expire: 3600 debug: 0 ping: 5 # or in the Dancer application: setting redis_session => { server => '', password => 'QmG_kZECJAvAcDaWqqSqoNLUka5v3unMe_8sqYMh6ST', database => 1, expire => 3600, debug => 0, ping => 5, }; setting session => 'Redis'; DESCRIPTION This module is a Redis backend for the session engine of Dancer application. This module is a descendant of Dancer::Session::Abstract. A simple demo apllication might be found in the "eg/" directory of this distribution. CONFIGURATION In order to use this session engine, you have to set up a few settings (in the app or app's configuration file). * session Set the vaue Redis. Required parameter. * redis_session Settings for backend. *server* Hostname and port of the redis-server instance which will be used to store session data. This one is required unless *sock* is defined. *sock* unix socket path of the redis-server instance which will be used to store session data. *password* Password string for redis-server's AUTH command to processing any other commands. Optional. Check the redis-server manual for directive *requirepass* if you would to use redis internal authentication. *database* Database # to store session data. Optional. Default value is 0. *expire* Session TTL. Optional. Default value is 900 (seconds). *ping* Time (in seconds) to check connection alive and re-establish in case of closed connection. Optional. Default value is 5 (seconds). Redis server close connection after a client is idle for seconds but server instance might be configured to not close client's connection. Check the redis server manual. *debug* Enables debug information to STDERR, including all interactions with the redis-server. Optional. Default value is 0. METHODS init() Validate settings and creates the initial connection to redis-server. create() Creates a new object, runs "flush" and returns the object. flush() Writes the session information to the Redis database. retrieve() Retrieves session information from the Redis database. destroy() Deletes session information from the Redis database. BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at <> SEE ALSO Dancer Dancer::Session Storable Redis <> AUTHOR Anton Gerasimov, <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2012 by Anton Gerasimov This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.