Acme::CPANModules::Import::CPANRatings::User::stevenharyanto - List of
    modules mentioned by CPANRatings user stevenharyanto

    This document describes version 0.002 of
    Acme::CPANModules::Import::CPANRatings::User::stevenharyanto (from Perl
    distribution Acme-CPANModules-Import-CPANRatings-User-stevenharyanto),
    released on 2023-10-29.

    This list is generated by scraping CPANRatings (
    user page.

    This list is generated by scraping CPANRatings (
    user page.

        Author: PREACTION <>


        Author: RJBS <>

        Provides a thin/lightweight OO interface for $?, much like what
        Time::Piece does for localtime()/gmtime() or File::Stat for stat().
        Of course, Real(TM) programmers shift and fiddle bits by themselves,
        but for the rest of us this module is a nice convenience.

        Author: OALDERS <>

        Nice idea, but the API needs to richer to be more useful (otherwise
        one will still need to go to individual Archive::Tar, Archive::Zip,
        etc). Currently the API provided are: listing files and extracting
        all files. We can't: create archive, add more files, extract some
        files only, find files, and so on.

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: HAARG <>

        Very nifty, it's like Carp::Always but with much more
        options/features (so you don't need a separate Carp::Always::Color,
        Carp::Always::Dump, and so on).

        Author: REHSACK <>

        The concept is truly cool, unfortunately the parser is currently
        flaky/buggy: one SQL query might work but another valid and
        seemingly simple SQL would fail with weird error message. See
        distribution's RT queue. <br>

        Rating: 6/10

        Author: PTC <>

        Instead of just printing some info, why not make it an Acme::PM or
        Acme::PerlMongers like Acme::CPANAuthors? Various stats can then be
        produced about the various Perl Mongers. <br>

        Note that File::Which can also search for all matches too if you use
        it in a list context, e.g. @paths = which('foo'). File::Which also
        comes with a pwhich CLI utility which also accepts multiple
        arguments and has the -a switch to print all matches. The output
        format is slightly different than 'multiwhich' though. <br><br>In
        fact, the Unix 'which' command (or at least its Debian variant) also
        sports the -a switch.

        Author: ROBN <>

        Nice idea. Some notes: 1) to be widely used, it really needs to be
        very efficient; 2) if the goal is simply to objectify a hash,
        perhaps Hash::Objectify or Object::From::Hash or Hash::To::Object
        (or Data::Objectify and so on) is a more descriptive name. <br>

        The &quot;extremely fast and efficient&quot; claim currently doesn't
        hold, as this module creates a *whole* flattened tree for *every*
        search operation. <br><br>A simple benchmark: <br><br>### <br> use
        Benchmark qw(timethese); <br> use Data::Seek; <br> use Data::DPath
        qw(dpath); <br> use JSON::Path; <br><br>my $data = { map { $_ =&gt;
        {map {$*=&gt;[1..4]} 1..20} } &quot;a&quot;..&quot;z&quot; };
        <br><br>timethese(-0.25, { <br><br>dseek =&gt; sub { $ds =
        $ds-&gt;search(&quot;j.1.\@&quot;)-&gt;data },
        <br><br>dseek*cacheobj=&gt;sub{ state
        $ds-&gt;search(&quot;j.1.\@&quot;)-&gt;data },
        <br><br>dpath=&gt;sub{ dpath(&quot;/j/1/*&quot;)-&gt;match($data) },
        JSON::Path-&gt;new(q[$.j.1.[*]])-&gt;values($data) }, <br> }); <br>
        =head2 #

        <br><br>### <br> Benchmark: running dpath, dseek, dseek_cacheobj,
        jpath for at least 0.25 CPU seconds... <br><br>dpath: 1 wallclock
        secs ( 0.27 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.27 CPU) @ 8292.59/s (n=2239)
        <br><br>(warning: too few iterations for a reliable count)
        <br><br>dseek: 1 wallclock secs ( 0.29 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.29 CPU) @
        37.93/s (n=11) <br><br>(warning: too few iterations for a reliable
        count) <br> dseek_cacheobj: 0 wallclock secs ( 0.33 usr + 0.00 sys =
        0.33 CPU) @ 42.42/s (n=14) <br><br>(warning: too few iterations for
        a reliable count) <br><br>jpath: 0 wallclock secs ( 0.27 usr + 0.00
        sys = 0.27 CPU) @ 11711.11/s (n=3162) <br><br>(warning: too few
        iterations for a reliable count) <br> =head2 #

        <br><br>Also: 1) the syntax is rather inconsistent: ':n' for array
        index access, but '.@' (instead of ':@') for grabbing all elements.
        2) currently cannot select subtree (must always select leaf node).
        <br><br>As alternatives, I recommend the much simpler JSON::Path, or
        the more powerful Data::DPath. <br>

        Author: BLAIZER <>

        My favorite 2048 implementation (it's text-mode, written in Perl,
        uses my module Color::ANSI::Util, and what else... oh yeah, it's the
        only implementation where I've reached 2048 :-) ). <br><br>One tip:
        enlarge the fonts of your terminal emulator (e.g. Ctrl-+ on Konsole)
        until it's big and convenient enough.

        Author: BESSARABV <>

        As an alternative, one can also do: <br><br>alias d=' <br><br>TZ=UTC
        date; # show date in UTC <br><br>date ; # show date in local
        timezone <br><br>cal -3 ; # show monthly calendar for curmon-1,
        curmon, curmon+1 <br> ' <br><br>

        Author: JV <>

        Having worked for quite some time with option processing and several
        other similar modules, I have to say that most of the time you
        probably want to use Getopt::Long instead of the other alternatives.
        Or at least pick the alternatives which are based on Getopt::Long,
        instead of those that reinvent the wheel and do their own option
        parsing. <br><br>Most other modules that reinvent option parsing
        either don't bother to do short option bundling (-abc instead of -a
        -b -c), or abbreviation (--long-o instead --long-option-name), or
        the choice to (dis)allow mix-mashing options and arguments, or
        support '--' to end option processing, or respect ordering, or
        support multiple options (--verbose --verbose), or support
        '--foo=val' *as well as* '--foo val', and so on. These are features
        and conveniences that are taken for granted by people working daily
        in Unix command-line. <br>

        Author: NEILB <>

        Very fast, several times faster than Text::TabularDisplay or
        Text::Table (and many times faster than the other slower
        table-generator modules). It uses sprintf() to format a whole row
        instead of formatting each cell separately using sprintf() and
        joining cells together with join(). <br><br>I did a comparison in:

    Mo  Author: TINITA <>

        A great alternative when Moo is a bit too much for you. Useful for
        scripts that must start really fast. Mind you, Moo loads about 5K
        lines of code and more than a dozen files, all of which takes +-
        10ms on my computer. Mo on the other hand is only a single line of
        +-500 characters, and it's inlinable. It loads in under 1ms. If a
        script must be executed thousands of times a day, that 9ms
        difference will matter more. <br><br>I use this for a very
        lightweight parent class. A richer subclass then uses Moo.
        <br><br>Isn't it great that we have the choices and upgrade path
        from the very minimal Mo, to Moo for normal cases, to Moos and Moose
        for even richer (but heavier) alternatives. Truly TIMTOWTDI! <br>

        Author: SKAJI <>

        Given that the name of this module/app is &quot;change shebang&quot;
        (instead of &quot;change shebang to samedir perl&quot;) perhaps this
        app can be made more generic? For example, I've had to change all
        shebangs from &quot;#!/usr/bin/env perl&quot; to &quot;#!perl&quot;
        and vice versa. Perhaps this module/app can become a tool to easily
        switch between shebangs. <br>

        Author: DAGOLDEN <>

        Overall looks ok, with the exception that it does not look and feel
        like a regular Perl hash at all. Now someone just needs to create a
        tie interface on top of this :) <br>

        Author: MUDLER <>

        From the description: &quot;App::whatthecommit is just another
        lazy-to-lazy line command utility.&quot; I'd thought the definition
        of laziness would be something like 'alias gc=git commit
        --allow-empty-message'. This is more like hubris. Or whatever. :)

        Author: ALTREUS <>

        Very nifty for short scripts and some clever design inside (all
        options are stored as arrayref, but there is some overloading to
        make getting boolean/flag and normal scalar value convenient).
        <br><br>For more &quot;proper&quot; scripts though (anything above
        say 20-30 lines) I'd recommend using something like Getopt::Long
        with a real spec. Some of the features I like in G::L not in
        Opt::Imistic: the ability to get --noOPT for free for flag options,
        the ability to configure permute/no_permute (mix mashing options
        with arguments), some data validation, and of course:
        autoabbreviation of long option names, which requires a spec after

        Author: DARNOLD <>

        The doc looks promising, it really looks like it could be the
        &quot;strace for Perl functions&quot;, but the usage is awkward (you
        have to open two terminals, one for running your program and
        producing trace file, and another for reading this file). And I'm
        probably an idiot, but I can't get this module to work for me.
        <br><br>One alternative if you're looking for a similar module is
        Debug::LTrace. <br><br>

        Author: PARTICLE <>

        For an alternative, try Debug::LTrace, which roughly provides the
        same basic feature but is more convenient to use from the
        command-line and give extra information like timing. <br><br>

        Author: COSIMO <>

        Might be powerful and flexible, but not convenient to use especially
        from command-line. (I was searching for something like &quot;strace
        for Perl function&quot;). <br>

        Author: KOORCHIK <>

        One of the more convenient and usable subroutine tracing modules on
        CPAN. If you're looking for something like &quot;strace for Perl
        functions&quot;, try this. <br>

        Author: JV <>

        Good module, but try its derivative Debug::LTrace instead.
        Debug::Trace doesn't fake caller() yet so traced/wrapped subroutines
        get caller() results that are &quot;off-by-1&quot; (see
        Hook::LexWrap). Plus, Debug::LTrace gives more information like
        timing. <br><br>

        Author: SPADKINS <>

        The name and abstract is slightly inaccurate/misleading. This module
        is supposed to be a general logging framework instead of just
        subroutine entry/exit tracer. For alternative subroutine tracer, I'd
        recommend Devel::TraceSubs or Devel::TraceCalls (or even
        Devel::Trace + variants). <br><br>Not very convenient to use. It
        still requires you to put 'if $App::Trace' clause everytime. For
        general logging that can be switched on/off upon runtime, I'd
        recommend using Log::Any instead. <br><br>Lastly, this module is
        tied to App::Options and thus only really usable if you use both.

        Author: CINDY <>

        Hash::Identity has a use case of convenience when embedding
        expression in double-quote strings. I fail to see the point of
        Tie::Hash::Identity though. Can't you just say: <br><br>'abc' eq
        'abc'; # true <br><br>(1+2+3) eq '6'; # true <br>

        Author: CINDY <>

        At first I thought, hey, cute trick. But then Perl already has:
        <br><br>print &quot;You could use expr like this:
        ${(2**3)}.\n&quot;; <br><br>print &quot;Or you could use ident ${(
        'a' . 'b' )} as well.\n&quot;; <br><br>So you're trading a backslash
        and a couple of parentheses against having to depend on a non-core
        module and making your code reader raise her eyebrow when she first
        sees your code. Pick your poison :-) <br><br>I wonder if this
        belongs in Acme:: <br><br>On the other hand and slightly off-topic,
        a module that can do Perl6-style interpolation (lexically) would be
        cool, I think: <br><br>$s = &quot;perl${(6-1)}-style
        interpolation&quot;; <br> { <br><br>use v6str; <br><br>$s =
        &quot;perl{ 5+1 }-style interpolation&quot;; <br> } <br>

        Author: ANDYA <>

        @Tom Browder: If you just need unblessing, there's also another
        module Acme::Damn which is more minimalist. You can also create a
        shallow copy to unbless a reference, if you want to do it without
        the help of any module (Both Acme::Damn and Data::Structure::Util
        are XS modules, JFYI). <br><br>Re Data::Structure::Util: nifty
        module that provides speedy alternative for several things like
        checking for circular references, weaken them, unblessing a
        reference, etc. You can do many of the routines in pure Perl. This
        module lets you do them in C. <br>

        Author: JOHNH <>

        An interesting tool that has been developed since 1991 (which is
        roughly around the time the WWW and Linux was born, whew). Kudos to
        the author for the dedication and consistency. <br><br>Since
        nowadays SQL is pretty much ubiquitous, users might also want to
        check out an alternative tool, App::fsql. For example (taking a
        similar example from the module's doc), to select entries in
        /etc/passwd where UID is between 1000 and 2000: <br><br>$ ( echo -e
        &quot;login\tpassword\tuid\tgid\tgecos\thome\tshell&quot;; sed
        's/:/\t/g' /etc/passwd ) | fsql --add-tsv - 'SELECT * FROM stdin
        WHERE uid &gt;= 1000 AND uid &lt;= 2000' --format text --aoh

        Author: FGLOCK <>

        Cool, but personally I'd rather have something like JavaScript's
        properties (since Perl does have lvalue subroutine support):
        <br><br>$date-&gt;year = 2014; <br>

        Author: LEONT <>

        More effort needs to be made with regards to documentation,
        especially for File::Slurp users looking for alternatives. Why is
        this module needed? What are the differences with File::Slurp? How
        do the functions behave on I/O errors (since err_mode option is not
        supported)? <br>

        Author: NEILB <>

        Thanks for providing a pure-Perl alternative for deep cloning.
        Otherwise we are stuck with core module Storable's dclone, which
        cannot handle Regexp objects out of the box, must use deparse to
        handle coderefs, and not to mention is not as fast as it should be
        because it's a marshall+unmarshall algrorithm (ab)used for deep
        cloning. <br><br>Of course, there are faster XS-based cloning
        modules on CPAN (all currently non-core, believe it or not there are
        no core modules for cloning except Storable). I'd recommend
        Data::Clone. But it's nice to have a pure-Perl implementation, e.g.
        for creating a dependency-free script using App::FatPacker.

        Author: JKEENAN <>

        This is a well-designed module with a good interface. The core
        system()'s behavior of whether to invoke shell or not depending on
        the number of arguments is ... unfortunate. This module fixes that.
        <br><br>However, the previous review's comparing of
        IPC::System::Simple with IPC::Run or IPC::Simple is rather
        misguided. They focus on different things: IPC::System::Simple
        focuses on providing shell/no-shell versions of invoking commands
        and making a command's result easier to parse. It does not support
        feeding text to STDIN, handlers for STDOUT/STDERR, timeouts, or the
        other features that IPC::{Run,Cmd} support.

        Author: BINGOS <>

        IPC::Cmd does its job, but the interface is inconsistent, probably
        because a different author wrote run_forked() (and didn't follow the
        same convention). run() accepts a hash of arguments, but
        run_forked() accepts a scalar + hashref. run() returns a list, but
        run_forked() returns a hashref. Command in run_forked() cannot be an
        arrayref, but in run() it can be.

        Author: ROUZIER <>

        Please consider a simpler non-OO interface instead, a la
        File::chdir: <br><br>use File::Umask; # or whatever, the
        &quot;Local&quot; thing is redundant <br> { <br><br>local $UMASK =
        0077; <br><br>open(...); <br><br>copy(...); <br> } <br> =head1
        previous umask is restored

        <br><br>which is arguably better (to me at least) than the current:
        <br><br>use Umask::Local; <br> { <br><br>my $umask_local =
        Umask::Local-&gt;new(0077); <br><br>open(...); <br><br>copy(...);
        <br> } <br> =head1 previous umask is restored


        Author: MIKER <>

        No file locking is currently done to the PID file to avoid race
        condition. Look at Proc::PID::File for a more proper implementation.

        Author: MIKER <>

        Unnecessary. Data::Dumper does have the option to sort hash keys
        ($Sortkeys, look for 'sort' in 'perldoc Data::Dumper'). <br><br>This
        module also does not handle circular refs yet (and probably lacks
        other features of Data::Dumper too). <br><br>Also the choice of
        returning error (&quot;$Var00 = not a reference&quot; when given
        Dumper(1) for example) as result is arguably unwise. <br>

        Author: FGZ <>

        I would personally pick a non-OO, no-nonsense interface based on
        File::Find, like: <br><br>use File::Find::Archive qw(find); # or
        find_archive <br> find(sub { ... }, &quot;some.tar.gz&quot;);
        <br><br>instead of the multiline, tedious setup just to search a
        file. <br>

        Author: KUERBIS <>

        A nice, minimalistic, terminal-based user interface for browsing
        your database and tables. Might be useful for simple cases.
        <br><br>It would be *much* more useful if usernames/passwords,
        queries, and other settings can be saved in a config/session file.

        Author: TODDR <>

        Users might want to check out this article on why one should perhaps
        use Locale::TextDomain instead of Locale::Maketext: <a

        Nice effort, but one might also want to look at Tickit, which is not
        curses-based and looks more promising. Being based on Curses, this
        module still suffers from the many bugs and limitations of curses.
        The lack of Shift-Tab support, for one. <br><br>See also: <a
        rel="nofollow"></a> <br><br>As I
        explore doing TUI more, I will update the reviews. <br>

        Author: DAMS <>

        Great idea! I've been bitten and annoyed by strictures on more than
        one occasion. It has its uses, but users should have a choice on how
        to react to warnings. <br>

        This module is based on WWW::YouTube::Download but its documentation
        does not yet explain how it differs from WWW::YouTube::Download.
        From what I see at a glance, App::YTDL supports downloading a video
        from a playlist and setting download speed limit, but perhaps the
        author should do the mode detailed explaining to help users when to
        choose between the two. <br>

        Author: MILSO <>

        At the current form, simply too simplistic to be an alternative to
        Data::Dump or Data::Dumper. No support for blessed refs,
        filehandle/globs, circular references, and so on. Changes numbers to
        stringy numbers or vice versa. <br><br>Currently also contains some
        bugs like for -1 (changes it to string), &quot;\&quot; (produces
        invalid dump, does not handle backslash yet currently), <br><br>And
        Data::Dump's dump of {} and [] are currently more compact ;-)
        <br><br>Need to be improved significantly first. But keep up the

    P   Author: LAWALSH <>

        I personally don't mind the namespace choice. There are other
        single-letter CPAN modules too like B, L, U, V. If you have a beef
        with regard to namespace, don't single out P and perhaps downvote
        the other modules too. <br><br>Having said that, I would like to
        comment on the design and implementation of this module. <br><br>1)
        The choice of Unicode character U+2204 as representation of undef.
        Unless one does something like 'binmode STDOUT, &quot;:utf8&quot;',
        with 'say P undef' I am just trading one warning (&quot;Use of
        uninitialized value&quot;) with another (&quot;Wide character in
        say/print&quot;). The wide character warning is avoided if you do 'P
        &quot;%s&quot;, undef' though, which means... <br><br>2) P loads
        utf8 by default. For ultra-lightweight cases, this is sometimes not
        desirable. There is currently no way to turn this off. <br><br>3)
        The arbitrary choice of three levels deep when printing references.
        This can be customized but with an unusual syntax. But again, the
        arbitrary choice of three. <br><br>4) The &quot;complex&quot; rules
        of newline printing. p() is like puts, it can optionally add a
        newline. But unlike puts, the doc says it can also remove newlines.
        The behavior can also change if the string to be printed ends with
        0x83. <br><br>I might use P for a sprintf/printf replacement, but
        for debugging values, I'd prefer something &quot;dumber&quot; like
        Data::Dump::Color (or Data::Printer, if that's your thing).

        Author: LAWALSH <>

        A couple of comments. First, if you want to import the default
        exports *as well as* some additional others, you can use Exporter's
        feature (the :DEFAULT tag): <br><br>use SomeModule qw(:DEFAULT a b
        c); <br><br>or you can also &quot;use&quot; twice: <br><br>use
        SomeModule; # imports default exports <br><br>use SomeModule qw(a b
        c); # import a, b, c <br><br>Second, if you use Xporter, your module
        will behave unlike most CPAN modules out there, because a majority
        of modules use Exporter. When people see this Perl code: <br><br>use
        SomeModule qw(a b c); <br><br>normally they will expect only a, b,
        and c are exported. If SomeModule uses Xporter, it will also by
        default export the default exports. <br><br>Basically Xporter is
        just Exporter with a different default (not arguably better or more
        user-friendly). For the sake of minimizing surprise to my users, I
        would avoid the use of Xporter. <br><br>UPDATE 2014-01-24: some
        edits. I appreciate the effort of the author to defend her module,
        though I am not convinced by her arguments.

        Author: DOLMEN <>

        Nice tool that lets you type dzil commands like 'build', 'test', etc
        while sending all the other unknown commands like 'ls -l', 'man Foo'
        to the underlying shell. Also lets you avoid multiple startup
        overhead of dzil :-)

        Author: MARCUS <>

        Unmaintained. Installs but no longer runs.

        Rating: 2/10

        If you peek into its Makefile.PL, you'll see a seemingly
        random/heterogenous collection of modules to install (instead of
        just WWW::Mechanize). This is probably a Task::BeLike::$AUTHOR in
        disguise. <br><br>

        Author: YVES <>

        So far the best of the bunch. <br><br>FAST: much faster than
        Storable, roughly the same speed as (sometimes slightly faster than)
        Data::Clone for cloning. <br><br>FEATUREFUL: Can handle circular
        references, Regexp objects (trips out-of-the-box Storable),
        JSON::{PP,XS}::Boolean objects (trips Data::Clone). <br><br>COMPACT:
        definitely more compact (up to several times) than Storable.
        <br><br>I'm sold. What more do you want? Le Storable est mort, vive
        le Sereal!

        Author: EXODIST <>

        If you write test functions, you need this. It's like the
        &quot;Test::More&quot; for &quot;Test::More&quot;. However, it
        currently does not work out of the box with subtests (submitted as
        wishlist to RT). <br><br>PS: Thanks to Toby Inkster for pointing
        this module out. <br><br>

        Author: KUBOTA <>

        It's faster than Unicode::GCString-&gt;new($str)-&gt;columns, but it
        gives wrong answers to lots of characters, e.g. control characters
        like &quot;\n&quot;, &quot;\t&quot;, etc are currently assumed to
        have width of -1 character. You're better off with

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: SPADKINS <>

        2010-10-13: <br><br>I admit, this is not the most flexible
        configuration framework out there as it enforces some convention.
        And I don't/can't use it on every project. But it's certainly one of
        the easiest. You can slap a few lines of options declaration in your
        code and voila, your script suddenly can accept command line
        arguments, has --help message et al, read from config files (in
        several preset locations). <br><br>There are still a few annoyances
        (I submitted them in the RT), but in general, this is a very handy
        module to use for lazy coders who just want to accept
        configuration/options from outside the code. <br><br>&lt;shameless
        plug&gt;I'm trying to do somewhat the same with Config::Tree, but as
        of now the module is not really done yet.&lt;/shameless plug&gt;
        <br><br>UPDATE 2013-08-15: <br><br>I'm reducing the ratings from 5
        to 2. I've now avoided using this module due to two lingering issue
        since 2010: 1) App::Options does not accept '--opt val', only
        '--opt=val' which is incompatible with how most command-line
        programs work, causing confusion for some of my users. 2) 'perl -c'
        doesn't work under this module, it will still trigger command-line
        processing. <br><br>I'm now using Perinci::CmdLine as replacement,
        but I cannot recommend it in general, as the two modules are not

        Rating: 4/10

        Author: MIYAGAWA <>

        It's rather unfortunate that currently the choice for general
        purpose cross-platform filesystem notification modules on CPAN falls
        between this module (FNS) or File::ChangeNotify (F::CN). The other
        CPAN modules are either OS-/framework-specific. <br><br>FNS has a
        simple API but is perhaps too simple for some uses, while F::CN uses
        Moose and has a big startup overhead. <br><br>If you simply want to
        check from time to time whether a change has occured, you need to
        wrap the wait() method with alarm(). And I found on my Linux PC that
        I need a timeout of at least 3 seconds for this to work reliably.

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: LEONT <>

        Vote +1 to add this to core. Please make coding in Perl 5 relatively

        Author: ALIAN <>

        Very straightforward to use (I needed to send a URL/webpage as HTML
        email with embedded images/objects). With this module I can finish
        my job with only a few lines of Perl in 3-5 minutes (searching for
        this module in CPAN takes more than that! searching using &quot;mail
        web&quot; or &quot;email url&quot; at first didn't get results).
        <br><br>Blackberry is having trouble displaying the resulting email
        though. No problem with Gmail or Thunderbird/Icedove.

        Author: FERREIRA <>

        5-year old bug like RT#38594 still present. Use one of the alternate
        implementations like Term::Size::{Unix,Win32,ReadKey}. <br>

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: THINC <>

        While it doesn't cover as much phrases as DateTime::Format::Natural,
        at least it's simpler to translate (and the dist already includes a
        couple of translations). BTW, I think like in the POD of
        DateTime::Format::Natural, it needs to list which phrases it
        supports. And probably add more :-) <br><br>

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: SCHUBIGER <>

        I'm giving DateTime::Format::Natural 3 stars because while it's
        great for English (it covers more phrases than
        DateTime::Format::Flexible), it's also hard to translate. Look at
        the source code for DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::EN: lots of
        Englishisms and weird structures (%grammars). Wonder why so far
        there has not been any translations to another language? <br>

        Rating: 6/10

        Author: PEVANS <>

        Thanks, just what I needed. (I was hoping cpanm would accept my
        --download patch, but this is just as well). <br><br>It still uses and thus downloads the relatively big 01mailrc.txt.gz and
        02packages.details.txt.gz file, thus slowing the first use. If you
        use cpanm exclusively, this is rather annoying especially if you're
        on a slow link.

        Rating: 8/10

        The method of determining visual width of Chinese characters is
        rather hackish. Text::ASCIITable should perhaps use Text::CharWidth
        (which can be used to determine visual width of text in other
        languages e.g. Japanese, etc) thus rendering this module
        unnecessary. <br>

        Author: NANZOU <>

        Also look at Text::CharWidth for an alternative that can be used
        with text in other languages (Chinese, etc). <br>

        Author: TOKUHIROM <>

        Also look at Text::CharWidth for an alternative that can be used
        with text in other languages (Chinese, etc). <br>

        Author: RHANDOM <>

        Nice idea. Perl should really have included something like this
        (analogous to for -w). <br><br>However, for something as
        security-related as tainting, I personally think the interface is a
        bit too complex and not robust enough. There are too many pitfalls
        where one can fail to turn on tainting properly. <br><br>* First,
        user must remember to import $TAINT, or doing '$TAINT = 1' has no
        effect. There's no error/warning for this mistake. <br><br>* Then,
        if one also forgets to import taint_start or taint_start, then doing
        'taint_start' or 'taint_env' (without parentheses) will do nothing.
        Also does not produce an error/warning except under strict mode.
        <br><br>* One must remember to 'taint_env' *after* 'taint_start'.
        There's no warning/error if one does the opposite. <br><br>I'd
        rather have something like this: <br><br>{ <br><br>use tainting;
        <br><br>... code is running in taint mode ... <br> } <br><br>use
        tainting; <br> { <br><br>no tainting; <br><br>... code is running
        without taint mode ... <br> } <br><br>No functions, no variables to
        set, no exports. Tainting of %ENV etc should be done automatically
        just like -T. <br><br>EDIT: I wrote tainting and uploaded it to CPAN
        as proof of concept.

        Rating: 8/10

    L   Author: SONGMU <>

        Reinvents Class::Autouse (written 12 years ago). But at least L is
        much simpler and shorter to type (the equivalent of -ML is
        -MClass::Autouse=:superloader). <br><br>BTW, there's also
        Module::AutoLoad, Module::AutoINC, and lib::xi which can
        automatically install modules from CPAN and load them upon first

        Author: KASEI <>

        Perl is not Ruby != everything Ruby does is horrible. This module
        has its uses.

        Author: PATL <>

        A wrapper around Perl's alarm()/$SIG{ALRM}, so it has the same
        limitations, e.g. you cannot use this to properly timeout external
        programs started by system()/backtick. For the latter, you might
        want to try IPC::Cmd (run() or run_forked()), or some simpler
        interface for it like System::Timeout. <br><br>

        Author: NOTBENH <>

        A wrapper around Perl's alarm()/$SIG{ALRM}, so it has the same
        limitations, e.g. you cannot use this to properly timeout external
        programs started by system()/backtick. For the latter, you might
        want to try IPC::Cmd (run() or run_forked()), or some simpler
        interface for it like System::Timeout. <br><br>

        Author: CHENGANG <>

        This is a thin wrapper over IPC::Cmd's run(). I'd personally use
        run() directly, it's not much harder or longer to type. Plus,
        IPC::Cmd is a core module. <br><br>

        Author: TOBYINK <>

        Wouldn't a function like
        load_module(&quot;Math::Module&quot;)-&gt;new(42) be more obvious?
        Is there a specific goal for using custom quote operator (which
        requires Devel::Declare, and thus a C compiler to build)? <br>

        Author: TOBYINK <>

        Wouldn't a function like
        load_module(&quot;Math::Module&quot;)-&gt;new(42) be more obvious?
        Is there a specific goal for using a tied hash (since there is
        already %INC)?

        Author: YANICK <>

        5-star for its documentation. <br>

        Author: PETAMEM <>

        Does the author care to explain the sudden influx of
        Lingua::&lt;3-letter-code&gt;:: modules (which look like mostly just
        repackaging of their corresponding Lingua::&lt;2-letter-code&gt;::
        modules with no mention of purpose in the PODs)? The original
        modules are not orphaned either (for example, I still maintain
        Lingua::ID::*). <br><br>No Changes file. Versioning synchronized for
        all 3-letter modules with no indication of what version of the
        2-letter-code module is used. For example, Lingua::ITA::Numbers' doc
        still says &quot;decimals don't work properly&quot;, while
        Lingua::IT::Numbers' doesn't (however, needless use of
        Regexp::Common does gets removed).

        Author: PERLANCAR <>

        @zaxon: I'm not sure if it's a bug with HTTP::Headers, more like a
        workaround for Storable. See the FAQ in the updated v0.03 for more
        details. <br>

        Author: NWCLARK <>

        Balancing previous glowing reviews. Storable has it faults, for
        example historically its track record for file format backwards
        compatibility is poor, making programs fail when loading Storable
        files after the module is upgraded. <br><br>Also, more importantly,
        add builtin support for Regexp object already! It's almost 2013,
        Regexp object has been around for, what, more than a decade? I can
        understand not supporting serializing filehandle or coderef, but
        Regexp object?

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: OALDERS <>

        Works for me too ATM. I've tried several command-line scripts (most
        of them Python-based, like youtube-dl, tubenick, etc). Sometimes
        they work, sometimes they broke. It's the nature of this kind of
        script. The quality comes from persistence. This module has been
        maintained since 2009, through several YouTube's changes. I commend
        the author, good job, and thanks!

        From the module's POD: &quot;The number zero and undef are difficult
        to determine in Perl.&quot; <br><br>Are they? <br><br>say
        !defined($data) ? &quot;undef&quot; : &quot;not undef&quot;;
        <br><br>say defined($data) &amp;&amp; $data==0 ? &quot;zero&quot; :
        &quot;not zero&quot;; # yes, warn if non-numeric <br><br>use
        Scalar::Util 'looks_like_number'; <br> say looks_like_number($data)
        &amp;&amp; $data==0 ? &quot;zero&quot; : &quot;not zero&quot;;
        <br><br>Though I understand the need for a convenient
        &quot;is_zero&quot; function if you need to test for zero in a
        program a lot.

        Author: MATLIB <>

        IMO, currently the only usable (read: non-crap) code syntax
        highlighting library on CPAN. Cons: you'll need to install GNU
        Source-highlight (and its development library/header) which pulls
        over 100MB of packages on my Debian. <br>

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: MANWAR <>

        Highlighter engine doesn't seem updated (for example, defined-or is
        not yet interpreted correctly by this module but already correctly
        by Kate itself). Does not provide default theme (must specify all
        colors). Seem to be very slow (takes 1.5s for a 18K Perl .pm file
        while Pygments only takes 0.2s). <br><br>

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: MART <>

        No documentation. Combines formatting and syntax-highlighting, so
        you cannot preserve original formatting. Only outputs to HTML and no
        default &quot;theme&quot; (CSS) provided. <br>

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: AKHUETTEL <>

        Output looks decent. However, it currently only formats to HTML/CSS
        (no ANSI, LaTeX, etc). Also, it needs more languages support. <br>

        Rating: 6/10

        Author: PALANT <>

        Only targets (X)HTML (i.e. no alternative output like ANSI or
        LaTeX). Supposedly slow. But it doesn't matter because code no
        longer builds (last updated in 2005).

        Rating: 2/10

        Outdated (no longer updated), poor capability (even for some simple
        Perl code, the output is atrocious), few languages supported. A far
        cry from Pygments or coderay.

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: DWHEELER <>

        Good for semantic versioning scheme like 1.2.3 vs 1.2.3alpha vs
        1.2.3rc (1.2.3 should be the latest, not the alpha or rc). However,
        does not accept e.g. 1.0beta (at least three components are needed).
        Perhaps relax this requirement? <br><br>Also take a look at
        Debian::Dpkg::Version. <br>

        Author: NEILB <>

        Good for Perl-style versioning scheme (1.2.3) but does not work as
        people expect for semantic versioning scheme like 1.2.3 vs
        1.2.3alpha vs 1.2.3rc (1.2.3 should be the latest, not the alpha or
        rc). For handling the latter case, use SemVer. Also take a look at

        Author: SHLOMIF <>

        Nice idea, though I'd probably just write a shell function for this.

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: DCANTRELL <>

        Pros: handle hashes as well as arrays, handle nested and cyclic
        structure, plugins. <br><br>Cons: No cmp-like functionality
        (returning -1, 0, 1), slow (even slower than Array::Compare).
        <br><br>See also: Array::Compare, JSON/YAML/Storable. <br>

        Rating: 6/10

        Author: DAVECROSS <>

        Pros: has a perm() function to check whether the two arrays contain
        the same things but in different order (although you can simply just
        run sort() over the arrays first). Allow skipping some elements from
        comparison. <br><br>Cons: no cmp-like functionality (returning -1,
        0, 1), slow (for equality test, you might as well compare the
        json_encode() result of the arrays, which is way faster), no nested
        comparison. No procedural interface. <br><br>See also:
        Data::Compare, JSON/YAML/Storable.

        Rating: 4/10

        Author: SLANNING <>

        No longer builds (tested on a current Debian). A pity, since drop-in
        replacements for WWW::Mechanize (using different backend like curl,
        IE, Mozilla, Chrome, etc) might be handy. <br><br>

        Author: LORN <>

        Those looking for LWP drop-in replacement might want to take a look
        at the recently released LWP::Protocol::Net::Curl instead, which
        supports WWW::Mechanize. <br><br>

        Author: SYP <>

        Shows great promise. I personally need this for HTTPS proxy support.
        After testing, the module still doesn't work to login to my internet
        banking sites. But I'll still check in from time to time. <br>

        Author: TIMB <>

        Wow, just wow. Hopefully now that we can use this tool to know how
        big things are, we are encouraged to create leaner, faster, more
        efficient Perl modules.

        Author: KWATCH <>

        A reinvention of Perl testing modules (it even comes with an
        equivalent for 'prove' command), with probably no added features and
        some added quirks. (Nested) topic can already be done using
        Test::More's subtests. Filtering and setup/teardown can be done with
        Test::Class. And I am supposed to replace specific assertion
        functions (with specific, helpful error messages) like is(), isnt(),
        like(), is_deeply(), etc with just OK()? <br>

        Rating: 4/10

        Author: TOKUHIROM <>

        Still a bit slower than PHP's htmlspecialchars(), but in the same
        ballpark. An order of magnitude faster than HTML::Entities. Does not
        provide unescaping, but it's okay since escaping is the majority of
        use cases.

        Casual benchmarking on my PC shows that Data::Clone is up to twice
        faster than this.

        Rating: 6/10

        Author: MLEHMANN <>

        Balancing previous unhelpful review. Slowish (can't complain,
        PPI-based) but works and comes with a command-line utility.
        <br><br>Beware though that the command-line utility modifies file in
        place without backup, without warning, and without option to create
        backup. <br>

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: ADAMK <>

        Have failed to build for 1.5 years (reported bug RT#66958 left
        untouched, users need to install Module::Install first). No usage
        documentation. <br><br>

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: BOOK <>

        Nice collection of perl shortcuts. Today I forgot about the name for
        &quot;x!!&quot; and nicely found it in this module.

        Author: TOBYINK <>

        Cute idea as always, though I'd rather use comments rather than
        taking multiple sub calls hit.

        Author: MARCEL <>

        A timesaver. Using it on a daily basis (aliased to &quot;pod&quot;).
        Thanks, Marcel!

        Author: TOBYINK <>

        A nice syntax addition for avoiding passing or writing a bunch of
        undefs. More convenient to write than using ternary operator or
        grep. I'm beginning to adore syntax modules like this (as long as it
        adds negligible overhead). <br><br>

        Author: DMUEY <>

        I like the concept, but do not like the overly short names mk() and
        rm(). Instead of mk(), how about mkdir_p() or mkpath() like in
        File::Path. Instead of rm(), how about rm_r() or rmtree() like in
        File::Path. <br>

        Rating: 6/10

        Author: NEILB <>

        2011-10-04: I am now using Exporter::Lite exclusively instead of
        Exporter. Got bit once by Exporter when using for an OO module due
        to clash of assigning to @ISA vs 'use base'. +1 for putting it into
        core. <br><br>EDIT 2012-08-08: Nowadays I revert back to Exporter
        most of the time because Exporter is core. To avoid @ISA issue, one
        simply needs to import import() instead setting @ISA: <br><br>use
        Exporter qw(import); <br>

        Author: TODDR <>

        To be fair, in my experience YAML::Syck is not &quot;much more
        buggy&quot; than ::XS. It even sometimes works with my YAML data
        while ::XS crashes. Go figure.

        Author: LEONT <>

        IMO the module should explain in the POD, in what cases using $^X is
        not enough or how it is different from Probe::Perl. <br><br>Anyway,
        quoting CPAN Testers' CPAN Authors FAQ, $^X is not enough when: <br>
        1) perl was executed with a relative path and the script has
        chdir()ed; 2) because $^X originates in C's argv[0] (in the main()
        function) it is possible for the calling program to exec() in such a
        way that argv[0] isn't the path to the interpreter; 3) HP/UX can do
        weird stuff in scripts that use #!; 4) VMS. (Not clear about #4
        though :) ).

        Author: AVAR <>

        IMO this is the best module to deal with tainting. BTW there are
        several other modules like Taint (only provides taint + tainted, no
        untaint), Untaint (only provides untaint with awkward interface,
        like $v = untaint(qr/.../, $v)), Scalar::Util (only provides
        tainted), Test::Taint (does not provide untaint but provides
        taint_deeply and test predicates), and several others.

        Author: KEEDI <>

        I use Markdown::Pod for my module Perinci::To::POD. <br><br>This
        module does not output proper POD for many (not so) edge cases,
        like: <br><br>"&gt;" and the likes are not yet escaped, producing
        C&lt;&gt;&gt; when it should have been C&lt;&lt; &gt; &gt;&gt; or
        C&lt;E&lt;gt&gt;&gt;. <br><br>Ordered list numbering does not yet
        work, e.g. &quot;2. ...\n3. ...\n&quot; produces &quot;=item 1. ...
        =item 1. ...&quot; <br><br>Ordered list with item numbered other
        than 1 does not work (see above). This should be supported in POD
        because POD allows us to write the bullets/numbers for each item.
        <br><br>Inline markup is not smart enough to differentiate
        word_with_underscore. So &quot;foo_bar and foo_baz&quot; becomes
        &quot;fooI&lt;bar and foo&gt;baz&quot;. <br><br>Plus it segfaults
        sometimes (might be my perl though).

        Rating: 4/10

        Author: MAJLIS <>

        As previous reviewer noted, this module is actually just a front-end
        to the author's web service. Plus license is specifically BSD (which
        allows this module to be included in closed source projects), this
        is rather ironic to me. <br>

        Author: CLACO <>

        Simple, no-fuss interface, recommended. As mentioned in the doc, the
        alternatives have some downsides: Finance::Currency::Convert::Yahoo
        is based on web scraping while ::XE has usage limits. <br>

        Author: DOY <>

        Like Carp::Always? Want something better? Here it is. <br>

    CHI Author: ASB <>

        The DBI of caching. Stop reinventing your caching framework and just
        use this. <br><br>UPDATE 2013-01-16: unfortunately, the use of Moose
        reduces the usefulness of CHI for command-line scripts (0.2s/146
        files/53k lines startup overhead just to initialize a File cache).
        So 4 stars instead of 5. Let's hope the author migrates to Moo
        someday. <br>

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: FRODWITH <>

        Compared to several other monkey-patching modules (like Sub::Monkey
        or Class::Monkey) I prefer this one because the interface is
        simplest and the documentation is the most straightforward. Plus it
        can do stacked patching and unordered restore, which is cool.

        Author: CAGAO <>

        This module is simple and to the point. Unfortunately, if you're a
        user of Log4perl or other logging framework, you'll have to switch
        just for a single feature (autodumping). <br><br>An alternative is
        to use Log::Any, which also features autodumping (via
        $log-&gt;debugf(&quot;%s&quot;, $complex), $log-&gt;warnf(), and
        friends), while still allowing you to use Log4perl and other
        frameworks supported by Log::Any. <br><br>

        Author: TDRUGEON <>

        Two nice and possibly very useful functions. But IMO the names
        'mapp' and 'grepp' are two similar to 'map' and 'grep', making it
        prone to typos and misreading. Perhaps consider 'map2' and 'grep2'?

        Author: HOREA <>

        Module name should perhaps be
        Log::Log4perl::Appender::File::RoundRobin to make it clearer that
        the backend is File::RoundRobin. <br>

        Why exclude Moo? <br><br>Also the issue with any Any::* (or Any::*)
        modules is that there should be a mechanism (preferably a common
        one) to adjust the ordering. Sometimes I prefer Moose first, for
        full capability or compatibility or whatever. Sometimes I prefer
        Mouse or Moo, for quick startup (but don't mind Moose if those are
        not available). This also happens to me for YAML::Any: in some cases
        I prefer YAML::Syck, in others YAML::XS, this depends on the data
        that I'm handling. <br>

        Author: TOBYINK <>

        I personally don't see much value of this syntactic sugar since Perl
        already allows us to express clearly. Pick one: <br><br>for ($foo) {
        say $_ if defined } <br><br>for (grep {defined} $foo) { say $_ }
        <br><br>do { say $_ if defined } for $foo <br><br>say $_ for grep
        {defined} $foo <br><br>And save yourself from having to remember
        whether we should add a comma or not before &quot;wherever&quot;.

        I have nothing against bundles like this, but beware that adding
        'use TOBYINK::PerlX::A' will cause Perl to load 460 files and
        compile +- 160k lines (takes 1s on my Core i5 machine and 8s on my
        Atom netbook).

        Just adding a note that this module is unmaintained (as expressed by
        the author) and has stopped working for some time. If you are
        looking for alternatives, try REST::Google (which includes
        REST::Google::Search::Images). The latter has been working OK for

        Author: IBB <>

        5 stars for cute metaphor (there's also Acme::Holy by the same
        author, but that is just another implementation of Scalar::Util's
        blessed()) and for prompt support from the author. <br><br>I'm sure
        there exists a real use case to move this out of Acme::, however
        obscure that might be. Can't come up with any right now, all I can
        think of is reblessing, which can be handled with bless() from the
        start. <br><br>UPDATE 2013-09-11: I found a real use-case for it!
        Cleaning up data to be sent to JSON. BTW, Data::Structure::Util also
        has an unbless() function, but Acme::Damn is smaller and faster.
        Data::Structure::Util also currently doesn't build on Windows. <br>

        @Justin Case: The name is unfortunate, but it's already proper
        (WWW:: followed by website or company name). HTTP client libraries
        are in LWP::. But VM:: is also an apt choice. <br>

        I don't know why Sawyer X's review is marked as unhelpful (2 out of
        8), but I agree with him. This is *not* an Acme module, it's a port
        of a JavaScript library of the same name. <br>

        Author: DIZ <>

        Sorry to have to rate with 1 star. I don't have problem with the
        interface/documentation. The 1-star rating is just to warn people
        that the data used by this module is not up to date. And that
        YEARS-old bugs are not being fixed. <br><br>At the time of this
        writing, this module still uses ISO 3166-2:1998 (first edition) +
        the newsletters (minor updates) up to 2006. When it should be
        updated to ISO 3166-2:2007 (second edition) + all the newsletters.
        For example, this module does not report 3 newer provinces in
        Indonesia. <br><br>Sadly we live in a world where countries and
        subcountries change all the time.

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: KIMRYAN <>

        UPDATE 2012-08-30: I am not sure if the module is now fully
        compliant to the new ISO 2007, but bug reports are certainly being
        responded and resolved now. Updating rating from 1-star to 4-star.
        Thanks, Kim. <br><br>2012-02-17: Review to version 1.47:
        <br><br>Sorry to have to rate with 1 star. I don't have problem with
        the interface/documentation. The 1-star rating is just to warn
        people that the data used by this module is not up to date. And that
        months-old bugs are not being fixed. <br><br>At the time of this
        writing, this module still uses ISO 3166-2:1998 (first edition) when
        it should be updated to ISO 3166-2:2007 (second edition) + all the
        newsletters (minor updates). For example, this module does not
        report 3 newer provinces in Indonesia. <br><br>Sadly we live in a
        world where countries and subcountries change all the time.
        <br><br>EDIT: Ok, so I was not being clear that I was not talking
        about my own bug report (posted at about the same time of this
        review). And bugs were certainly being resolved up to about 7 months
        ago. <br>

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: BOWMANBS <>

        A very handy utility, sort of like s/// on your nested data
        structure instead of just strings. One nitpick: no coderef support.
        I needed to replace all coderefs inside a data structure into a
        string, since I want to pass it to JSON encoder. None of the
        rmap_*() functions seem to let me get to the coderefs. (RT wishlist
        ticket added.) <br><br>UPDATE 2011-12-30: The author (Brad) quickly
        responded to my RT ticket and added rmap_code. Upgrading from 4- to
        5-star :) Regexp support is not there yet though, and I have
        suggested the ability to get all kinds of Perl-specific and weird
        objects, because one of the main uses of Data::Rmap for me is to
        &quot;clean&quot; a data structure to pass to non-Perl systems. <br>

        Author: JOHND <>

        The abstract for this module is a bit strange. What does this have
        to do with 'test fixtures'? Also the documentation doesn't say much,
        e.g. What will happen if a hash key contains funny characters (or
        arrays, etc)? <br><br>A similar module in spirit is Data::Hive. I
        think &quot;providing convenient chained method access to
        hierarchical data&quot; should be refactored out. So perhaps
        Data::Properties::{JSON,YAML,...} should just be a convenient
        shortcut for {JSON,YAML,...} parser + Data::Hive.

        Author: NEILB <>

        I discourage module authors from exporting like this because it's
        simply too impolite/intrusive for module users. If the module author
        is lazy, there is already Exporter::NoWork which offers a few
        options for module users. This module, on the other hand, gives no
        control at all for users (so they'll have to resort to 'use Module
        ();'). <br><br>Let me remind all again by quoting from Exporter's
        POD: &quot;Do *not* export anything else by default without a good
        reason! Exports pollute the namespace of the module user.&quot;

        Interface to web services should be put under WWW::*, not Net::*

        Author: DUMB <>

        Should probably be put under Test::*?

        Author: WROG <>

        When I saw the perlmonks thread yesterday, I thought &quot;well,
        someone should package it and put it on CPAN&quot;. And then someone
        did :) Thanks. <br>

        Author: BRADH <>

        This is just a reimplementation of Test::More. But I thank the
        author for writing a short description of why this module is
        written, how it is different from others, and suggestion of what
        modules users should use. There are a lot of wheels being reinvented
        on CPAN, and that's okay, I just wish more people would document the

        Author: BRADH <>

        Since the first release, there are 13 subsequent releases in total.
        What are the changes between releases? No idea, the author doesn't
        bother to update Changes (and no public repo is listed). Apparently
        all his other modules are also like this. Not very user-friendly.
        <br><br>UPDATE 2011-11-22: I see that this has been rectified by the
        author, there is now Changes entry for each new release. Cool,
        thanks. <br>

        Documentation is placed in, so it's inaccessible from
        perldoc et al. Why? This is not a Python library.

        Author: MITHALDU <>

        Just found out about it, despite having used CPAN::Mini for over a
        year. Helps *a lot*. More people should know this (e.g. mention from
        CPAN::Mini POD).

        Author: DOLMEN <>

        I don't use this module since I'm not on Windows. But why another
        module? File::Which also handles Win32 (probably not the &quot;the
        current directory is explored before PATH&quot; thing, but you
        should consider submitting a patch). <br><br>At least the
        documentation should state why this module is necessary. It
        complicates scripts by having to select between two 'which'

        Author: BARBIE <>

        I knew CPAN wouldn't let me down. Now I can discard my own
        OS/platform detecting code (which probably is buggier and not nearly
        as extensive) and rely on Devel::Platform::Info instead.
        <br><br>Devel::Platform::Info gives information not only about the
        OS but also architecture, kernel type &amp; version, etc. In my case
        I need to detect distro name, its version, and its codename. All of
        those are provided. <br><br>This module is so new though (started in
        2010) so I wonder whether this need has never come up before. <br>

        Author: DRAUONER <>

        Less boilerplate please!

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: DROLSKY <>

        After comparing against File::MMagic, File::MMagic::XS, File::Type,
        I ended up choosing File::LibMagic because it has the least problems
        and looks like being the most maintained (although it would be nice
        if the author cleans up the RT queue). <br><br>For those stuck
        without a C compiler, File::Type or File::Magic can be an

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: DMAKI <>

        Last time I checked, still can't parse system magic database, e.g.
        /usr/share/file/magic (bug first filed in RT 4 years ago).
        <br><br>The currently recommended module in this area seems to be
        File::LibMagic. Other alternatives include File::MMagic (slow and
        buggy, no longer maintained), Media::Type::Simple (only maps MIME
        type from/to file extension).

        Rating: 4/10

        Author: KNOK <>

        Works for basic usage, but has quite a few problems. Plus it is not
        very performant. Doesn't seem to be maintained anymore. <br><br>The
        currently recommended module in this area seems to be
        File::LibMagic. Other alternatives include File::Type (gives less
        useful results), File::MMagic::XS (also not actively maintained?
        long standing bugs like failure to parse system magic file still
        persists), Media::Type::Simple (only maps MIME type from/to file
        extension). <br>

        Rating: 4/10

        Author: PMISON <>

        As another reviewer has said, this module tends to conclude
        &quot;application/octet-stream&quot; for many kinds of files, making
        it not very useful. <br><br>The currently recommended module in this
        area seems to be File::LibMagic. Other alternatives include
        File::MMagic (slow, has quite a few bugs, no longer maintained),
        File::MMagic::XS (also not actively maintained? long standing bug
        like failure to parse system magic file still persists),
        Media::Type::Simple (only maps MIME type from/to file extension).

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: EWILHELM <>

        Balancing previous 1 rating by @Ingo. <br><br>To Ingo: You said
        module's documentation is okay, one feature you use works okay, and
        other features you don't use. Why only 1 star then? <br><br>This
        module is a worthy alternative to Test::MockTime. It offers extra
        features such as working across forks, mocking Time::HiRes
        (eventually), and speeding/slowing down time.

        Release early, release often indeed. First you release nothing but
        boilerplate :)

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: NKH <>

        Good documentation. All modules' documentation should similarly
        strive to contain at least: rationale for existence, pointer to
        alternatives, and task-oriented organization.

        Author: BMAYNARD <>

        Less-than-descriptive name (module's main function seems to be
        sorting entries, can't be guessed from the name). No unit tests.
        Doesn't handle /etc/shadow. Also, it might be useful to explain why
        one needs to sort entries in passwd file. <br>

        Rating: 4/10

        Author: NEILB <>

        Yes, simple and gets the job done. Though I'm a bit curious with the
        implementation. If the interface is only to get number of deleted
        and added items (instead of positions of deletion/insertion), why
        depend on Algorithm::Diff (or use the name 'diff', for that matter).

    DZ1 Why do we need this uploaded to CPAN?

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: STRZELEC <>

        No tests. No detailed error status, only true/false (yes, there is a
        'warnings' parameter on constructor, but this doesn't give out
        warnings on all operations, only some). No locking (although there
        is backup, but still). <br><br>Also, some weird choices, why use
        bzip2 when creating backup? Or, why still require running as root
        (checking $() if we are allowing custom database file location?
        <br><br>Between this and Unix::ConfigFile, I'm seriously considering
        using Unix commands instead (useradd, userdel, gpasswd, et al).
        <br><br>UPDATE 2011-04-21: I created a fork of Passwd::Unix 0.52
        called Passwd::Unix::Alt instead, which add some tests and
        modifications. Try it out if your needs are also not met by
        Passwd::Unix. <br><br>UPDATE 2012-08-30: I created a new module
        called Unix::Passwd::File. Try it out if your needs are also not met
        by Passwd::Unix.

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: SSNODGRA <>

        Outdated module that doesn't handle /etc/shadow and /etc/gshadow.

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: GFUJI <>

        Handy module for installing dependencies. There are previous
        efforts, but the arrival of cpanm makes autoinstall process less
        tedious, so hats off also to the creator of cpanm. <br>

        Author: MITHALDU <>

        Indispensable. Provides nice enhancement to Capture::Tiny
        (particularly the real-time teeing). <br>

        Improperly packaged, improper POD formatting, bot messages hardcoded
        in script, and yes... idiotic license. Basically a &quot;trial&quot;
        script to bait users into consultation gig. CPAN is not a place for
        this kind of thing. Please try again. <br>

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: EVO <>

        Using Clone::Any nowadays is more trouble than it's worth.
        <br><br>First, there are annoying incompatibilities between cloning
        modules. Most notably Storable, which is the default cloning module
        if Clone is not available, *still* doesn't support storing Regexp
        objects out-of-the-box after all these years. <br><br>Second, this
        module has not been updated for a long time and newer alternatives
        like the fast Data::Clone is not recognized. <br><br>Right now I'm
        replacing all code from using Clone::Any code to Data::Clone.

        Rating: 4/10

        Author: WOWASURIN <>

        Fun module to play with, especially for those among us infected with
        a bit of PHP envy (me, never!). <br>

        Author: MELO <>

        Clean code, plugin interface simple to use, but implementation needs
        to be improved. For example, parsing $ENV{COMP_LINE} &amp;
        $ENV{COMP_POINT} into @argv is done simplistically using
        split(/\h+/), without regard to shell's quotes/escapes.
        (Getopt::Complete's way is somewhat better by invoking shell, but it
        also has its problems. I guess in this regard external programs are
        second-class citizens to shell functions because they don't get the
        equivalents of COMP_WORDS/COMP_CWORD). <br>

        Rating: 6/10

        Author: PERLER <>

        Cool, except that with cpanm I often install local distribution
        (cpanm Foo-Bar-1.23.tar.gz). Perhaps the completion can look in the
        filesystem first before firing API request. Also, might be nice if
        there is some caching because it seems to be slow (at least from
        where I am). <br>

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: CHORNY <>

        With all due respect to the author, Switch is no longer necessary in
        5.10+ as 5.10+ already introduced smart matching and given().
        given() is superior because it doesn't introduce compile-time
        overhead, doesn't mess line numbers, and should be faster (simply
        because smart match is fast, and Switch is not utilizing it).
        <br><br>You have been using 5.10+, right? (Since 5.8 is no longer
        officially supported) <br>

    Moo Author: HAARG <>

        Last week I ported an application from Mouse (Any::Moose) to Moo.
        Went without a hitch (well I did replace &quot;with 'X', 'Y',
        'Z';&quot; to &quot;with 'X'; with 'Y'; with 'Z';&quot; as
        instructed in the Moo documentation). Startup time decreased
        significantly. Planning to move every Moose apps to Moo. Splendid!

        Author: RUZ <>

        Cool idea, if a bit extreme. <br><br>If computing a value is
        expensive, there's Memoize for the caller. On the callee side, you
        can cache the result (there's state variable in 5.10+ so it's dead
        simple to use). <br><br>So I believe Sub::StopCalls is only
        necessary if you find the overhead of the sub call itself to be a
        bottleneck. And if that is the case, perhaps you should refactor the
        calling code anyway.

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: POLETTIX <>

        5 stars solely for the idea (I'm beginning to love the ::Tiny
        movement more and more these days). Haven't actually tried it
        though, but I bet many Log4perl users, me included, mostly only use
        easy_init. As much as Log4perl is mature and fairly optimized, it's
        still a relatively &quot;huge&quot; library. Nice to know there's a
        drop-in ::Tiny replacement.

        Re: Blue. I guess I shouldn't release this. I need something quick
        to fix our application, so this is not really something meant for
        public use. Will be purging this from PAUSE. <br>

        Author: BESSARABV <>

        IIRC, there has also previous similar attempt like this. Modules
        like these are not necessary, as DBI already has something
        equivalent (and even better): selectrow_{array,hashref,arrayref} and
        selectall_{array,hash}ref. <br>

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: FULLERMD <>

        Cool, will definitely try this out the next time I write another
        form processing CGI script. Although the module is named CGI::,
        there's nothing CGI-specific about it, and that's good. So this
        module is basically a &quot;path-expander&quot; for hash values.
        <br><br>Btw, one thing I use rather often in PHP is naming parameter
        as &quot;foo[]&quot; which will automatically add elements to the
        $_REQUEST['foo'] array. Perhaps this feature can be considered too.

        Author: BRICAS <>

        Just tried it. It works, but the module/dist is not in the best
        shape: <br><br>* Test fails (pod-coverage, error in POD) <br><br>*
        dependency on Class::MethodMaker not yet specified <br><br>*
        Documentation: Synopsis contains mistake (class name is
        DateTime::BusinessHours not BusinessHours), the name '$testing' is
        not very suitable, there are typos. <br><br>* Style-wise, method
        naming is &quot;joinedwords&quot;, while in DateTime families it's
        &quot;separated_words&quot; (not a big deal though). <br><br>

        Rating: 6/10

        Every once in a while everyone of us encounters a programmer that
        disregards existing reusable code and creates his/her own
        &quot;standard library&quot; for everything, from trimming string to
        creating random number to cleaning the kitchen sink. We all might
        have been one too, at one time or another. I'm not saying that this
        bundle is a case of the above, but it's giving me a similar feeling.
        :-) <br><br>A commendable effort, David. But there really are a lot
        of wheels being reinvented here.

        Author: ORCLEV <>

        I mass download stuffs by putting a bunch of torrent files in a
        directory on the server and let rtorrent takes care of them. With
        this module I can quickly whip up a short script to calculate the
        total size of the downloadable files so I can be pretty sure that
        when I leave my server for days/weeks, I don't run out of disk space
        because I put in too many torrent files. <br>

        Author: BINGOS <>

        Wow, I was thinking the same exact &quot;godsend&quot; too and turns
        out some other reviewer already said so. Very very helpful to assist
        deployment and pick modules to use. I personally made a couple of
        command-line scripts like pm-in-core or core-since-when to save some
        typing. <br>

        Author: SIMBABQUE <>

        WWW::Mechanize is of course one of the indispensable tools for any
        web programmer or admin. The current problem is the proliferation of
        3rd party subclasses, the functionalities of which cannot be used
        together. So you want a polite Mechanize which does
        self-rate-limiting and uses the Firefox or IE engine? A subclass
        exists for each feature, but how do you use them together?
        WWW::Mechanize needs to be more role/plugin-oriented instead of
        inheritance-oriented. <br>

        Author: NEILB <>

        I used Mail::Sendmail and a few others &quot;older&quot; modules
        back from the days when it didn't support setting envelope sender
        different from RFC From, and when the test hung on some dead host.
        <br><br>If it's still working for you, great. I personally have
        moved on to other modules like Email::Sender::Simple, which
        abstracts sending mechanism (transport) and support SMTP auth, for
        two. Also, many of the guide/documentation for Mail::Sendmail are
        not quite up to date in style (though they still might work), for
        example the low level way of building HTML email. Also, the
        Changelog file doesn't seem to be maintained?

        Rating: 6/10

        Author: TODDR <>

        I started using autodie in almost all of my applications a few
        months ago. It's somewhat of a mixed blessing. For existing
        applications, it can break things and making things less robust,
        solely because old code are not built with autodie in mind.
        <br><br>But the best thing about it is that it's lexically scoped,
        so for sections of code that you're not sure about, just sprinkle
        'no autodie' to get the old behaviour. <br><br>It should be used on
        probably 95% of code out there. For the rest of the cases, where you
        need to report the status of each I/O operation, it's obviously more
        convenient to check $? instead of trapping exception everytime.
        <br><br>+1 for getting it into core. <br>

        Disclaimer: I maintain a &quot;competitor&quot; module, App::perlmv.
        Apparently a lot of people, like me, likes to rename files using
        Perl. And the examples in the documentation are about renaming movie
        files too, something which I do a lot :) <br><br>I applaud Stirling
        Westrup for taking a legacy script and improving it. May we have a
        lot of ideas to borrow from each other. <br><br>This is an early
        release, there are quite a few things I find lacking. Most
        importantly, I suggest adding a test suite as soon as possible. The
        filesystem differences can be tricky, and CPAN Testers can help
        providing feedback. <br><br>Keep up the good work.

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: MOTEMEN <>

        Nice idea, straight and simple interface. A better name could
        perhaps be chosen? Documentation should be expanded, e.g. to warn
        users about security, since Data::Dumper a.k.a. eval() is used to
        load variable content. Also, the implementation does not yet
        consider file locking.

        I guess File::Spec's API is sane enough, but I suspect not a lot of
        people are using it because there's not enough incentive for it.
        When 99% population of the world use Unix/Linux/Windows (even Macs
        been technically Unix for a number of years), &quot;/&quot; works
        everywhere and using File::Spec does not gain you anything except
        lots of typing exercise. <br><br>That's why I think Path::Class
        might have a better chance of succeeding. It gives niceties like a
        few more convenience methods, a shortcut of getting dir &amp; file
        object from each other, etc. It gives users more incentive of using
        a proper path manipulation library because it gives extra stuff
        along with that. It should also be in core to accompany File::Spec.

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: CAPOEIRAB <>

        I've been using File::Slurp for years and is generally satisfied
        with it. However reading the negative reviews today and looking at
        its RT queue, I realize that this module is broken for many and is
        effectively abandoned by the maintainer (no new releases for almost
        3 years now despite several RT items labeled as critical). So I
        suggest others checking out the alternatives.

        Rating: 2/10

        Author: ETJ <>

        It's a very mature and an excellent logging framework. However, some
        of the common minor complaints are: 1) It's too complex. I agree: it
        should not be this hard to get started. 2) Configuration is too
        verbose. Agreed: but well, what can you do, most things from Java is
        a bit overengineered and verbose anyway. At least you can do almost
        anything with the configuration. 3) It's not very Perlish. Also
        agreed. 4) Performance. My note: speed is not an issue in majority
        of the cases and Log4perl's performance is adequate for most of the
        rest of the cases. For faster/leaner alternatives you might want to
        take a look at Log::Fast, but a lot of Log4perl's features are
        missing. <br><br>One of the main strengths of Log4perl is its
        sublogger/subcategory feature, which few other frameworks seem to
        have. <br><br>For other alternatives, also take a look at:
        Log::Handler, Log::Any. And of course Log::Message too. <br>

        Author: BLOONIX <>

        This review mostly compares Log::Handler with Log4perl, which is a
        mature and one of the most popular logging frameworks. <br><br>I
        think Log::Handler's interface is much simpler, nicer, more Perlish
        than Log4perl. It's a bit similar to Log::Any::App, which I created
        just because I hate Log4perl configuration. <br><br>There is a
        unique concept of maxlevel not normally found in other frameworks,
        though it can be emulated in other frameworks using filters.
        <br><br>At a quick glance, the speed is around twice that of
        Log::Log4perl, so I'll say it's on the low-end side (there are other
        much faster logging modules, but anyway speed is not an issue to
        most people). <br><br>It currently lacks sublogger (hierarchical
        categorization and adjustable/automatic appending of subcategory to
        its parent), so it cannot be used to replace Log4perl in most cases
        as that's one of the main feature of Log4perl. Which is a pity
        because I would otherwise switch.

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: POWERMAN <>

        This logging framework is also minimalistic: no
        categories/hierarchiecal loggers, no custom levels, no config file,
        or other whistles and bells. And the interface &amp; default levels
        are rather syslog-oriented. But it's fast alright. The POD doesn't
        mention a comparison to Log::Log4perl, but a casual benchmark shows
        that it's at least 10x faster. <br><br>So this module will certainly
        come handy if you have a performance critical application.
        <br><br>Btw, note that the benchmarks are done for actual logging to
        output. For log statements that do not actually get logged (e.g.
        because the level is below the desired output level), I don't find
        that extreme differences in overhead between logging frameworks. For
        example, on my Athlon64 X2 5600+ PC, Log::Fast's overhead is roughly
        around 3mils/sec, while Log::Log4perl is around 1,5mils/sec.

        Author: KAZEBURO <>

        Log::Minimal's slogan is &quot;minimal but customizable&quot;. It's
        minimal alright, probably only suitable for simple scripts as the
        moment you organize your application/library into separate modules,
        you'll want/need categories instead of just level, which is not
        provided by Log::Minimal. <br><br>Also, only formats is
        customizable, there is currently no way to customize level. And the
        levels are &quot;not standard&quot; (not that there is an official
        authoritative standard, but the popular convention is
        TRACE/DEBUG/INFO/WARN/ERROR/FATAL and NONE). Log::Minimal's levels
        are <br> DEBUG/INFO/WARN/CRITICAL and NONE). Surely most people
        would expect another level between WARN and CRITICAL, for
        non-critical errors? But that is actually just a matter of taste.

        Rating: 4/10

        Author: CFUHRMAN <>

        Log::Fine is touted as a framework for those who &quot;need a
        fine-grained logging mechanism in their program(s)&quot;. But apart
        from the emphasis on custom levels, to me there is nothing extra
        fine-grained about it. The other thing it provides is
        categories/namespace, which is also supported by a lot of other
        frameworks. So I fail to see the benefit/uniqueness of Log::Fine.
        <br><br>Btw regarding custom levels, this practice is long
        deprecated by log4j (and thus also by Log4perl, although Log4perl
        can do custom levels). I can understand this decision as I sometimes
        already have trouble managing the popular convention of 6 levels
        (FATAL/ERROR/WARN/INFO/DEBUG/TRACE) as it is, much less with custom

        Rating: 6/10

        Author: SHLOMIF <>

        This module has been developed for more than a decade and seen
        different maintainers over the years. The codebase is indeed showing
        these, with different capitalization and indentation styles, among
        other things. <br><br>However, among more than a dozen or so of INI
        modules in CPAN, ironically there seems to be few other choices if
        you go beyond the most basic feature set. Some INI modules can only
        simplistically rewrite/dump the whole INI structure and thus lose
        comments/orders, while others can't even write INI files.
        <br><br>Config::IniFiles by far offers the most options and
        features, like dealing with line continuation, case sensitivity,
        default section, multiline/array, deltas, etc. So for now, despite
        all of its quirks, this module is still hard to beat.
        <br><br>There's another nice little INI module that can do
        read/set/delete/unset (instead of just read/dump): Prima::IniFile,
        but it is included in a totally unrelated distribution.

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: DROLSKY <>

        Amidst all the glowing reviews may I add a reminder that, as with
        everything, there's a catch: runtime performance. On my PC, the
        speed of creating a DateTime object is just around 6000/sec. If you
        use DateTime intensively, it can quickly add up. <br><br>Imagine
        serving a web page that fetches 50 rows from database, where for
        convenience you convert each date column to a DateTime object, and
        you have 120 requests/sec coming in... That's already 6000 objects
        (an extra second!). <br><br>Which is unfortunate because DateTime is
        so wonderful, convenient, correct, complete and all that. So one
        approach you can use might be to delay converting to DateTime object
        until necessary.

        Author: SBECK <>

        Wow, there are surely a lot of negative reviews ... <br><br>First of
        all, Date::Manip has a long history. I used this module back in
        2001-2002, IIRC. Back then it was *the* swiss army of date/time
        manipulation, something you use when you want the most
        flexible/complete thing in Perl. True, it's slow, but it works.
        <br><br>But then things change. DateTime project was started, and
        now it is somewhat the de facto standard. It's more modern and far
        more modular than the monolithic Date::Manip (every timezone and
        language support and parsing/formatting modules shipped in one
        single distribution). <br><br>And then there's the 5.x -&gt; 6.x
        debacle. As someone who also sprinkle Perl 5.10 requirements to his
        CPAN modules, I can feel for the author. But the difference is, most
        of my modules are not that widely used/known, and also many start
        its life already requiring 5.10 right from its first released
        version. While in Date::Manip's case, this happens to a very widely
        used module. Surely backwards compatibility should be considered
        more. <br><br>All in all, you are free to use or not use
        Date::Manip. There are other alternatives. Pick wisely. <br>

        Rating: 6/10

        Author: XAICRON <>

        One would wonder why CPAN clients still don't have this crucial
        feature Though you see Miyagawa listed in the Credits so maybe
        cpanminus or its sister will end up having this functionality? One
        can only hope. At 0.06, some things are not working flawlessly
        (submitted in RT). Keep up the good work! <br><br>

        Author: ROKR <>

        I guess this app is still useful, since &quot;cp -sR&quot; still
        doesn't work as many would expect, and there are Windows users out
        there (yes, newer NTFS does support symlinks; though I don't know
        whether this module supports creating symlinks on NTFS). <br><br>A
        minor comment would be on the name, maybe lnstree can be considered
        instead (since &quot;ln&quot; indicates hardlink, at least for me).
        Btw, there's also a free software called &quot;lns&quot; to do the
        exact same thing. <br><br>

        Author: GFUJI <>

        I've never encountered difficulty in cloning data structures in
        Perl, usually I just use Clone or sometimes Storable's freeze + thaw
        (the later does not yet support cloning Regexp objects out of the
        box). <br><br>However, I like Data::Clone for its speed! It's
        several times faster than Clone or freeze+thaw. So hats up. Planning
        to use Data::Clone in future projects. <br><br>Now if we can
        convince Goro to write a fast serializer/deserializer with compact
        output (essentially, a faster version of Storable), that would be
        even nicer :-) <br><br>

        Author: ZEFRAM <>

        With due respect to the author, I fail to see the practical point of
        Pond. Pond (Perl-based open notation for data) is the Perl
        counterpart of JSON, except that implementation is currently only
        available in Perl (CMIIW), and &quot;Pond represents fewer data
        types directly&quot;. <br><br>Pond is pitched against Data::Dumper +
        eval, which is dangerous, but Data::Dumper + eval is by far not the
        only method available for serialization. Perl can do Storable, JSON,
        YAML, even PHP serialization format. <br><br>The documentation does
        not show what Pond looks like. <br><br>One cute thing about Pond is
        that you can check Pond syntax using a single regex. But apart from
        that, there's nothing compelling in using Pond to serialize data.

        Rating: 4/10

        Author: PLICEASE <>

        You can always count on CPAN to have prewritten modules for various
        things, including this one. I've never bothered before about
        portability and just rely on the &quot;which&quot; command, but for
        one reason there's a time when I just couldn't do that. <br><br>Btw,
        there's also File::Which::Cached.

        Author: ROSCH <>

        I admit it. Ever since I know about escapeshellarg() and
        escapeshellcmd() in PHP, I've been reimplementing this function in
        Perl literally a million of times (mostly because of laziness and
        because it only takes a couple of lines in Perl). Only a few months
        ago after the millionth time I said enough is enough and started to
        look around in CPAN, and found this module. <br><br>The only problem
        for this module is lack of visibility. Before I've never read
        articles or blog posts mentioning this module, ever. Yes, we have
        system() that can bypass the shell, but qx() can't. So yes, this
        module needs to be marketed more! <br>

        Author: DAGOLDEN <>

        Another very handy little module that takes the hassle out of
        figuring the various mechanisms of capturing output. <br><br>Nice
        interface, great documentation, very easy to use. But....
        <br><br>Currently it cannot just capture stdout *ONLY* or stderr
        *ONLY* (while leaving the other alone). I believe this is one of the
        most commonly requested feature (already in RT). If that feature is
        implemented, this module deservers a 7-star rating.

        Rating: 8/10

        Author: DAGOLDEN <>

        This is a handy little module, with a simple and nice interface. One
        of the more common bugs encountered in my scripts is forgetting to
        track the current working directory after doing chdir() in
        subroutines. By localizing $CWD, I don't have to worry that
        subroutines mess up current working directory anymore.

  What is an Acme::CPANModules::* module?
    An Acme::CPANModules::* module, like this module, contains just a list
    of module names that share a common characteristics. It is a way to
    categorize modules and document CPAN. See Acme::CPANModules for more

  What are ways to use this Acme::CPANModules module?
    Aside from reading this Acme::CPANModules module's POD documentation,
    you can install all the listed modules (entries) using cpanm-cpanmodules
    script (from App::cpanm::cpanmodules distribution):

     % cpanm-cpanmodules -n Import::CPANRatings::User::stevenharyanto

    Alternatively you can use the cpanmodules CLI (from App::cpanmodules

        % cpanmodules ls-entries Import::CPANRatings::User::stevenharyanto | cpanm -n

    or Acme::CM::Get:

        % perl -MAcme::CM::Get=Import::CPANRatings::User::stevenharyanto -E'say $_->{module} for @{ $LIST->{entries} }' | cpanm -n

    or directly:

        % perl -MAcme::CPANModules::Import::CPANRatings::User::stevenharyanto -E'say $_->{module} for @{ $Acme::CPANModules::Import::CPANRatings::User::stevenharyanto::LIST->{entries} }' | cpanm -n

    This Acme::CPANModules module also helps lcpan produce a more meaningful
    result for "lcpan related-mods" command when it comes to finding related
    modules for the modules listed in this Acme::CPANModules module. See
    App::lcpan::Cmd::related_mods for more details on how "related modules"
    are found.

    Please visit the project's homepage at

    Source repository is at

    Acme::CPANModules - about the Acme::CPANModules namespace

    cpanmodules - CLI tool to let you browse/view the lists

    perlancar <>

    To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull
    requests on GitHub.

    Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You
    can simply modify the code, then test via:

     % prove -l

    If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally
    on your system), you can install Dist::Zilla,
    Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, and sometimes one or two
    other Dist::Zilla- and/or Pod::Weaver plugins. Any additional steps
    required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.

    This software is copyright (c) 2023, 2018 by perlancar

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

    When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
    to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.