Call::Haskell - Call Haskell functions from Perl

        use Call::Haskell 'My::Haskell::Module( f1, f2, f3, f4 )'

    or more explicitly:

        use Call::Haskell functions => 'My::Haskell::Module( f1, f2, f3, f4 )' , path => '..', clean => 0, verbose => 0 ;
        my $res = f1(@args);

    Note that the path to "Call/" must be *absolute* in @INC. The
    easiest way is to add the absolute path to the "PERL5LIB" environment

    Call::Haskell provides a simple mechanism to call Haskell functions from
    Perl. The syntax for the import statement is similar to what you would
    write in Haskell. If the path is not specified, the local directory is

    To use this module you need

        - perl 5.16 or later,
        - ghc 7.8 or more recent,
        - gcc 4.8 or more recent

    You also need recent versions of

        - the Inline, Inline::C and Digest::MD5 Perl packages
        - the Parsec Haskell package

    Currently the Haskell function arguments and return values must have
    types that are lists, tuples or maps of primitive types (Int, Bool,
    String). Haskell's Data.Map becomes a Perl hash and vice versa. Maybe is
    also supported, Nothing is mapped to undef and vice versa.

    The module packs the arguments into a string and unpacks the return
    value from a string. This will be very slow for large data structures.

    Currently, you can only use functions from a single Haskell module.

    The module creates two subdirectories in your working directory:
    "_Call_Haskell" and "_Inline". You can find all generated code in there.

    Wim Vanderbauwhede <>

    Copyright 2015- Wim Vanderbauwhede

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    -   Inline, Inline::C and Digest::MD5 Perl packages

    -   The Parsec Haskell package