NAME Device::Chip::AS3935 - chip driver for AS3935 SYNOPSIS use Device::Chip::AS3935; use Future::AsyncAwait; my $chip = Device::Chip::AS3935->new; await $chip->mount( Device::Chip::Adapter::...->new ); if( ( await $chip->read_int )->{INT_L} ) { printf "Lightning detected %dkm away\n", await $chip->read_distance; } DESCRIPTION This Device::Chip subclass provides specific communcation to an ams AS3935 lightning detector chip attached to a computer via an I涎 adapter. The reader is presumed to be familiar with the general operation of this chip; the documentation here will not attempt to explain or define chip-specific concepts or features, only the use of this module to access them. METHODS The following methods documented in an await expression return Future instances. reset await $chip->reset; Sends a reset command to initialise the configuration back to defaults. calibrate_rco await $chip->calibrate_rco; Sends a calibrate command to request the chip perform its internal RC oscillator calibration. read_config $config = await $chip->read_config; Returns a HASH reference of the contents of configuration registers using fields named from the data sheet. AFE_GB => 0 .. 31 PWD => "active" | "powerdown" NF_LEV => 0 .. 7 WDTH => 0 .. 15 CL_STAT => bool MIN_NUM_LIGH => 1 | 5 | 9 | 16 SREJ => 0 .. 15 LCO_FDIV => 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 MASK_DIST => bool DISP_LCO => bool DISP_SRCO => bool DISP_TRCO => bool TUN_CAP => 0 .. 15 Additionally, the following keys are provided calculated from those, as a convenience. afe => "indoor" | "outdoor" noisefloor => int (in units of 猩rms) change_config await $chip->change_config( %changes ); Writes updates to the configuration registers. read_calib_status $status = await $chip->read_calib_status; Returns a 4-element HASH reference indicating the calibration status: TRCO_CALIB_DONE => bool TRCO_CALIB_NOK => bool SRCO_CALIB_DONE => bool SRCO_CALIB_NOK => bool read_int $ints = await $chip->read_int; Returns a 3-element HASH reference containing the three interrupt flags: INT_NH => bool INT_D => bool INT_L => bool read_distance $distance = await $chip->read_distance; Returns an integer giving the estimated lightning distance, in km, or undef if it is below the detection limit. AUTHOR Paul Evans <>