File::Stat::Ls - Perl class for converting stat to ls -l format

      use File::Stat::Ls;

      my $obj = File::Stat::Ls->new;
      my $ls = $obj->ls_stat('/my/file/name.txt');

    This class contains methods to convert stat elements into ls format. It
    exports two methods: *format_mode* and *ls_stat*. The *format_mode* is
    borrowed from *Stat::lsMode* class by Mark_Jason Dominus. The *ls_stat*
    will build a string formated as the output of 'ls -l'.

  new ()

    Input variables:


    Variables used or routines called:


    How to use:

       my $obj = new File::Stat::Ls;      # or
       my $obj = File::Stat::Ls->new;     # or

    Return: new empty or initialized File::Stat::Ls object.

    This class defines the following common methods, routines, and

  Exported Tag: All

    The *:all* tag includes all the methods or sub-rountines defined in this

      use File::Stat::Ls qw(:all);

    It includes the following sub-routines:

  format_mode ($mode)

    Input variables:

      $mode - the third element from stat

    Variables used or routines called:


    How to use:

       my $md = $self->format_mode((stat $fn)[2]);

    Return: string with permission bits such as -r-xr-xr-x.

  ls_stat ($fn)

    Input variables:

      $fn - file name
          $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($fn);

    Variables used or routines called:


    How to use:

       my $ls = $self->ls_stat($fn);

    Return: the ls string such as one of the followings:

      -r-xr-xr-x   1 root     other         4523 Jul 12 09:49 uniq
      drwxr-xr-x   2 root     other       2048 Jul 12 09:50 bin
      lrwxrwxrwx   1 oracle7  dba           40 Jun 12  2002 
                   -> /opt/bin/

  stat_attr ($fn, $typ)

    Input variables:

      $fn - file name for getting stat attributes
          $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($fn);
      $typ - what type of object that you want it to return.
        The default is to return a hash containing filename, longname,
        and a hash ref with all the element from stat.
        SFTP - to return a Net::SFTP::Attributes object 
    Variables used or routines called:


    How to use:

       my $hr = $self->stat_attr($fn);  # get hash ref
       my %h  = $self->stat_attr($fn);  # get hash

    Return: $hr or %h where the hash elements are depended on the type. The
    default is to get a hash array with the following elements:

      filename - file name
      longname - the ls_stat string for the file
      a        - the attributes of the file with the following elements:

    If the type is SFTP, then it will only return a *Net::SFTP::Attributes*
    object with the following elements:


    * Version 0.10
        This version includes two methods: format_mode and ls_stat. It is
        uploaded to CPAN on 7/11/2005.

    * Version 0.11
        07/12/2005 (htu) - added stat_attr method.

SEE ALSO (some of docs that I check often)
        Data::Describe, Oracle::Loader, CGI::Getopt, File::Xcopy,
        Oracle::Trigger, Debug::EchoMessage, CGI::Getopt, etc.

        Copyright (c) 2005 Hanming Tu. All rights reserved.

        This package is free software and is provided "as is" without
        express or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or
        modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see