NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::Data::Validate::WithYAML - validate form input with Data::Validate::WithYAML VERSION version 0.06 SYNOPSIS In your startup method: sub startup { my $self = shift; # more Mojolicious stuff $self->plugin( 'Data::Validate::WithYAML', { error_prefix => 'ERROR_', # optional conf_path => '/opt/app/conf', # path to the dir where all the .ymls are (optional) } ); } In your controller: sub register { my $self = shift; # might be (age => 'You are too young', name => 'name is required') # or with error_prefix (ERROR_age => 'You are too young', ERROR_name => 'name is required') my %errors = $self->validate( 'registration' ); if ( %errors ) { $self->stash( %errors ); $self->render; return; } # create new user } Your registration.yml --- age: type: required message: You are too young min: 18 name: type: required message: name is required password: type: required plugin: PasswordPolicy website: type: optional plugin: URL HELPERS validate my %errors = $controller->validate( $yaml_name ); Validates the parameters. Optional parameter is $yaml_name. If $yaml_name is ommitted, the subroutine name (e.g. "register") is used. AUTHOR Renee Baecker <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Renee Baecker. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)