NAME Device::Chip::BV4243 - chip driver for a BV4243 SYNOPSIS use Device::Chip::BV4243; use Future::AsyncAwait; my $chip = Device::Chip::BV4243->new; await $chip->mount( Device::Chip::Adapter::...->new ); await $chip->lcd_reset; await $chip->lcd_string( "Hello, world!" ); DESCRIPTION This Device::Chip subclass provides specific communication to a ByVac BV4243 LCD/touchpad display module attached to a computer via an I涎 adapter. The reader is presumed to be familiar with the general operation of this module; the documention here will not attempt to explain or define module-specific concpets or features, only the use of this module to access them. METHODS The following methods documented in an await expression return Future instances. clear_keys await $chip->clear_keys; Clears the keypad buffer. get_keycount $count = await $chip->get_keycount; Returns the number of keys waiting in the keypad buffer. get_key $key = await $chip->get_key; Returns the next key from the keypad buffer, or 0 if there are none. find_key $pos = await $chip->find_key( $key ); Returns the position in the key buffer of the given key, or 0 if is not there. get_scancode $code = await $chip->get_scancode; Returns the scan value from the keypad scanning matrix. This will be 0 if no key is being touched, or an integer value with at least two bits set if a key is being held. beep await $chip->beep( $msec ); Turns on the BELL output line for the specified number of miliseconds. read_chan @channels = await $chip->read_chan; Returns the raw touchpad sensor values as 8 16bit integers. read_delta @deltas = await $chip->read_delta; Returns the touchpad sensor values minus the trigger value. sleep await $chip->sleep; Puts the device into sleep mode. It stops scanning the keypad, but will still respond to another command which will wake it up again. lcd_reset await $chip->lcd_reset; Resets the LCD. lcd_command await $chip->lcd_command( $cmd ); Sends a numeric command to the LCD controller. lcd_data await $chip->lcd_data( $data ); Sends a byte of numerical data to the LCD controller. lcd_string await $chip->lcd_string( $str ); Sends a string of data to the LCD controller. This is a more efficient version of sending each byte of the string individually using "lcd_data". lcd_signon await $chip->lcd_signon; Displays the signon string stored the in EEPROM. lcd_backlight await $chip->lcd_backlight( $red, $green, $blue ); Sets the level of each of the three backlight channels. Each must be a numeric value between 0 and 10 (inclusive). For single-backlight displays, use the $red channel. reset $chip->reset Resets the device. device_id $id = await $chip->device_id; Returns the device ID value as a 16 bit integer version $id = await $chip->version; Returns the device firmware version as a 16 bit integer eeprom_reset await $chip->eeprom_reset; Resets the configuration EEPROM back to default values. eeprom_read $val = await $chip->eeprom_read( $addr ); Reads a byte from the configuration EEPROM. eeprom_write await $chip->eeprom_write( $addr, $val ); Writes a byte to the configuration EEPROM. SEE ALSO AUTHOR Paul Evans <>