Catalyst::Engine::XMPP2 - Net::XMPP2::Connection Catalyst Engine

      MyApp->config->{Engine::XMPP2} =
        username => "abc",
        domain => "",
        password => "foo",
        override_host => "myserver",
        override_port => 5722

    This engine enables you to deploy a Catalyst application that can be
    accessed using the XMPP protocol. This is done by a mapping of each XMPP
    stanza to a HTTP Request, using the Catalyst::Engine::Embeddable as a

Semantics mapping
    One important thing to realise is that the XMPP semantics are
    considerably different than the HTTP semantics, that way, a set of
    mappings must be done.

        Usually, an HTTP application implements only Request-Response
        semantics for every action. That is not always true for the XMPP
        protocol. In fact, the only stanza that implements this semantics is
        the <iq/> stanza.

        That way, when receiving <message/> or <presence/> stanzas, the
        response will be ignored on success. If the response is a failure
        (400 or 500), an error response will be sent. If wanting to send an
        explicit message, that should be done explicitly.

        When receiving <iq/> stanzas, the response will be sent back as the
        action processing returns, independent of the response status.

        In any way, the attributes of the stanza root element will be
        translated as HTTP Headers with the "XMPP_Stanza_" prefix.

        This is the most relevant aspect of this mapping. As XMPP doesn't
        have a URI definition for each stanza, that means that there's no
        proper way of dispatching a message to a given controller action in

        What this mapping does is, at the beggining, creating several
        connections to the server, providing different resource identifiers
        based on the Path actions registered in the application.

        This have two important side-effects to realize:

        A Catalyst XMPP application can only use 'Path' actions, because
        that is the only DispatchType that have a static mapping of the
        available actions. Other DispatchTypes, like Chained or Index,
        depends on the current request to find out which action to dispatch.
        This doesn't forbid the use of the other DispatchTypes for internal
        forward and dispatch, but the only really public actions will be the
        ones seen by the 'Path' DispatchType.

        You have to keep in mind that the resources will be pre-advertised,
        and that for each public path action, you will have a public jabber
        id, and, at least by now, a separated connection to the server, so
        it's probably a good idea to do a carefull planning of which actions
        to make public.

        XMPP has no support for MIME types. Every message is, by definition,
        a XML document. So every request will have the "application/xml"
        MIME type. If the response content-type is also "application/xml",
        it will be written as raw into the XMPP stream. This will allow SOAP
        responses, for instance, to be sent as in XEP-0072.

        On the other hand, if the content type is of some other type, it
        will be sent as literal string inside a <body> tag, as described by
        XMPP RFC3921, this way, interaction with regular IM clients should
        be natural.

        At this point, this engine is single-threaded, which means that it
        will block in each operation, and, therefore it cannot handle more
        than one request at a time. At the time of this writing, two options
        are available to solve this problem:

        The first would be to turn this engine into a pre-fork server that
        would keep pipes to every child and dispatch the requests to them,
        while keeping a single control thread for the XMPP connections.

        The other option would be to implement a balancer server that would
        accept several connections for the same JID and connect only once
        for each JID, dispatching a message sent to some JID among each of
        the candidate connections.

        The second option is probably a better idea, as the handling of that
        number of connections could be implemented in C, for instance, and
        using low-level OS operations, like libevent for linux, making it
        easier to scale in several machines.

    Error handling
        Error handling in XMPP is also different than from HTTP. While HTTP
        defines numeric error codes, XMPP defines a set of named conditions.
        But both provide a way to return a custom text to the requestor.
        This way, the HTTP error codes will be mapped to the XMPP error
        conditions, and the content of the response will be set as the error
        text. The XMPP spec also define the "error-type" concept which
        indicates what the requestor can do about, and the recommended
        error-type for each of the known conditions. The user can override
        this default by sending the XMPP_error-type header in the failure

        The HTTP-XMPP error code mapping will happen as described in the
        following table.

          bad-request                          400
          conflict                             409
          feature-not-implemented              501
          forbidden                            403
          gone                                 410
          internal-server-error                500
          item-not-found                       404
          jid-malformed                        520*
          not-acceptable                       406
          not-allowed                          420*
          not-authorized                       401
          payment-required                     402
          recipient-unavailable                521*
          redirect                             302
          registration-required                421*
          remote-server-not-found              502
          remote-server-timeout                504
          resource-constraint                  412
          service-unavailable                  503
          subscription-required                422*
          undefined-condition                  423*
          unexpected-request                   424*

        The items marked with an * are of codes that are not standard HTTP
        error codes. Most error codes in this list could be mapped

    The 'Engine::XMPP2' configuration key expects a hashref that will be
    sent to Net::XMPP2::Connection->new dereferenced. It's important to
    notice, however, that setting "jid" or "resource" in this hash has no
    effect as this values will be set according to the Action-Resource

    One of the greater benefits of the XMPP protocol is the hability to
    chain operations in a more complex choreography. In order to do that,
    you just need to send new messages while processing other messages, in
    order to do that, you can access the engine object by using $c->engine
    and use one of the following methods

    $c->engine->send_message($c, $to, $type, $create_cb, %attrs)
        This will call send_message on the connection that generated the
        current request with the parameters as described in

        One important hint: if $create_db is a CODE ref, it will be executed
        with a XML::Writer object in UNSAFE mode as its first argument,
        which means you can call "raw" on it to send unencoded data.

        As you'll be sending the message with the connection that generated
        this request, it will have the complete JID, with the resource, as
        the "from".

    $c->engine->send_presence($c, $type, $create_cb, %attrs)
        Same as above.

    $c->engine->send_iq($c, $type, $create_cb, $result_cb, %attrs)
        Same as above.

        Hint: $result_cb is a coderef that will be executed once the
        response for this iq arrives. This method won't block, so you might
        have to implement a semaphore if the reply for this iq is relevant
        to the rest of this request.

    This is strongly discouraged, but it might be life-saving for some
    corner cases.

        Access the connection object that generated the current request.

        This returns a hashref identifying all the connections by the
        resource name.

    $engine->handle_xmpp_node($app, $resource, $node)
        This method is called by the stanza callbacks in the connections.

    Catalyst::Engine, Catalyst::Engine::CGI, HTTP::Request, HTTP::Reponse,
    Catalyst, Net::XMPP2::Connection, Catalyst::Engine::Embeddable

    Daniel Ruoso ""

    Please submit all bugs regarding "Catalyst::Engine::XMPP2" to

    This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.