Test/Warn version 0.07 ====================== INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Test::Builder Test::Exception Array::Compare Sub::Uplevel List::Util Tree::DAG_Node File::Spec SYNOPSIS use Test::Warn; warning_is {foo(-dri => "/")} "Unknown Parameter 'dri'", "dri != dir gives warning"; warnings_are {bar(1,1)} ["Width very small", "Height very small"]; warning_is {add(2,2)} undef, "No warning to calc 2+2"; # or warnings_are {add(2,2)} [], "No warning to calc 2+2"; # what reads better :-) warning_like {foo(-dri => "/"} qr/unknown param/i, "an unknown parameter test"; warnings_like {bar(1,1)} [qr/width.*small/i, qr/height.*small/i]; warning_is {foo()} {carped => 'didn't found the right parameters'}; warnings_like {foo()} [qr/undefined/,qr/undefined/,{carped => qr/no result/i}]; warning_like {foo(undef)} 'uninitialized'; warning_like {bar(file => '/etc/passwd')} 'io'; warning_like {eval q/"$x"; $x;/} [qw/void uninitialized/], "some warnings at compile time"; DESCRIPTION This module provides a few convenience methods for testing warning based code. If you are not already familiar with the Test::More manpage now would be the time to go take a look. FUNCTIONS - OVERVIEW warning_is BLOCK STRING, TEST_NAME warnings_are BLOCK ARRAYREF, TEST_NAME warning_like BLOCK REGEXP, TEST_NAME warning_like BLOCK STRING, TEST_NAME warnings_like BLOCK ARRAYREF, TEST_NAME SEE ALSO Have a look to the similar Test::Exception module. THANKS Many thanks to Adrian Howard, chromatic and Michael G. Schwern, who all had given me a lot of ideas. AUTHOR Janek Schleicher, <bigj@kamelfreund.de> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2002 by Janek Schleicher This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.