# NAME CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword - Yet another xkcd style password generator # VERSION version 1.010 # SYNOPSIS use CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword; my $password_generator = CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new; say $password_generator->xkcd; # LimousineAllegeClergymanEconomic say $password_generator->xkcd( words => 3 ); # ObservantFiresideMacho say $password_generator->xkcd( words => 3, digits => 3 ); # PowerfulSpreadScarf645 # Use custom word list CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new( wordlist => '/path/to/wordlist' ); CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new( wordlist => 'Some::Wordlist::From::CPAN' ); # Use another source of randomness (aka entropy) CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new( entropy => Data::Entropy::Source->new( ... ); ); # DESCRIPTION `CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword` generates a random password using the algorithm suggested in [https://xkcd.com/936/](https://xkcd.com/936/): It selects 4 words from a curated list of words and combines them into a hopefully easy to remember password (actually a passphrase, but we're all trying to get things done, so who cares..). See [this explaination](https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/936:_Password_Strength) for detailed information on the security of passwords generated from a known word list. But [https://xkcd.com/927/](https://xkcd.com/927/) also applies to this module, as there are already a lot of modules on CPAN implementing [https://xkcd.com/936/](https://xkcd.com/936/). We still wrote a new one, mainly because we wanted to use a strong source of entropy and a fine-tuned word list. # METHODS ## new my $pw_generator = CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new; Initialize a new object. Uses `CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword::Wordlist::en_gb` as a word list per default. The default entropy is based on `Crypt::URandom`, i.e. `/dev/urandom` and should be random enough (at least more random than plain old `rand()`). If you want / need to supply another source of entropy, you can do so by setting up an instance of `Data::Entropy::Source` and passing it to `new` as `entropy`. my $pw_generator = CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new( entropy => Data::Entropy::Source->new( ... ) ); To use one of the included language-specific word lists, do: my $pw_generator = CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new( language => 'en-GB', ); Available languages are: - en-GB You can also provide your own custom word list, either in a file: my $pw_generator = CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new( wordlist => '/path/to/file' ); Or in a module: my $pw_generator = CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new( wordlist => 'My::Wordlist' ); See ["DEFINING CUSTOM WORD LISTS"](#defining-custom-word-lists) for more info. ## xkcd my $pw = $pw_generator->xkcd; my $pw = $pw_generator->xkcd( words => 3 ); my $pw = $pw_generator->xkcd( digits => 2 ); Generate a random, xkcd-style password. Per default will return 4 randomly chosen words from the word list, each word's first letter turned to upper case, and concatenated together into one string: $pw_generator->xkcd; # CorrectHorseBatteryStaple You can get a different number of words by passing in `words`. But remember that anything smaller than 3 will probably make for rather poor passwords, and anything bigger than 7 will be hard to remember. You can also pass in `digits` to append a random number consisting of `digits` digits to the password: $pw_generator->xkcd( words => 3, digits => 2 ); # StapleBatteryCorrect75 # DEFINING CUSTOM WORD LISTS Please note that `language` is only supported for the word lists included in this distribution. ## in a plain file Put your word list into a plain file, one line per word. Install this file somewhere on your system. You can now use your word list like this: CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new( wordlist => '/path/to/wordlist' ); ## in a Perl module using the Wordlist API [Perlancar](https://metacpan.org/author/PERLANCAR) came up with a unified API for various word list modules, implemented in [Wordlist](https://metacpan.org/pod/WordList). Pack your list into a module adhering to this API, install the module, and load your word list: CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new( wordlist => 'Your::Cool::Wordlist' ); You can check out [CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword::Wordlist::en\_gb](https://metacpan.org/pod/CtrlO%3A%3ACrypt%3A%3AXkcdPassword%3A%3AWordlist%3A%3Aen_gb) (included in this distribution) for an example. But it's really quite simple: Just subclass `Wordlist` and put your list of words into the `__DATA__` section of the module, one line per word. ## in a Perl module using the Crypt::Diceware API David Golden uses a different API in his [Crypt::Diceware](https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt%3A%3ADiceware) module, which inspired the design of [CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword](https://metacpan.org/pod/CtrlO%3A%3ACrypt%3A%3AXkcdPassword). To use one of those word lists, use: CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new( wordlist => 'Crypt::Diceware::Wordlist::Common' ); (yes, this looks just like when using `Wordlist`. We inspect the wordlist module and try to figure out what kind of API you're using) To create a module using the [Crypt::Diceware](https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt%3A%3ADiceware) wordlist API, just create a package containing a public array `@Words` containing your word list. # WRAPPER SCRIPT This distributions includes a simple wrapper script, [pwgen-xkcd.pl](https://metacpan.org/pod/pwgen-xkcd.pl). # RUNNING FROM GIT This is **not** the recommended way to install / use this module. But it's handy if you want to submit a patch or play around with the code prior to a proper installation. ## Carton git clone git@github.com:domm/CtrlO-Crypt-XkcdPassword.git carton install carton exec perl -Ilib -MCtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword -E 'say CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new->xkcd' ## cpanm & local::lib git clone git@github.com:domm/CtrlO-Crypt-XkcdPassword.git cpanm -L local --installdeps . perl -Mlocal::lib=local -Ilib -MCtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword -E 'say CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new->xkcd' # SEE ALSO Inspired by [https://xkcd.com/936/](https://xkcd.com/936/) and [https://xkcd.com/927/](https://xkcd.com/927/). There are a lot of similar modules on CPAN, so we just point you to [Neil Bower's comparison of CPAN modules for generating passwords](http://neilb.org/reviews/passwords.html). ## But why did we write yet another module? - Good entropy Most of the password generating modules just use `rand()`, which "is not cryptographically secure" (according to perldoc). `CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword` uses [Crypt::URandom](https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt%3A%3AURandom) via [Data::Entropy](https://metacpan.org/pod/Data%3A%3AEntropy), which provides good entropy while still being portable. - Good word list While [Crypt::Diceware](https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt%3A%3ADiceware) has good entropy, we did not like its word lists. Of course we could have just provided a word list better suited to our needs, but we wanted it to be very easy to generate xkcd-style passwords. - Easy API `my $pwd = CtrlO::Crypt::XkcdPassword->new->xkcd` returns 4 words starting with an uppercase letter as a string, which is our main use case. Nevertheless, the API also allows for more or fewer words, or even some digits. - Fork save - [https://xkcd.com/927/](https://xkcd.com/927/) # THANKS - Thanks to [Ctrl O](http://www.ctrlo.com/) for funding the development of this module. - We learned the usage of `Data::Entropy` from [https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt::Diceware](https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt::Diceware), which also implements an algorithm to generate a random passphrase. - [m\_ueberall](https://twitter.com/m_ueberall/status/965263922310909952) for pointing out [https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/936:\_Password\_Strength](https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/936:_Password_Strength) # AUTHOR Thomas Klausner <domm@plix.at> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2018 - 2021 by Thomas Klausner. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.