NAME ==== Math::Vector3D VERSION ======= 0.0.1 SYNOPSIS ======== use Math::Vector3D; my $vec = vec(10, 20, 30); $vec -= $other-vector; $vec *= 42; $vec /= 10; $vec.normalize; my $len = $vec.length; SEE ALSO ======== * [Math::Vector](Math::Vector) Has support for any number of dimensions. class Math::Vector3D -------------------- Vector object ### has Numeric $.x Default: 0 ### has Numeric $.y Default: 0 ### has Numeric $.z Default: 0 ### method length-squared ```perl6 method length-squared() returns Numeric ``` Returns the squared length of the vector ### method length ```perl6 method length() returns Numeric ``` Returns the length of the vector ### multi method add ```perl6 multi method add( Math::Vector3D:D $v ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` Destructively adds a vector to this vector. ### multi method add ```perl6 multi method add( Numeric:D $n ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` Destructively adds a scalar to this vector. ### multi method sub ```perl6 multi method sub( Math::Vector3D:D $v ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` Destructively subtracts a vector from this vector. ### multi method sub ```perl6 multi method sub( Numeric:D $n ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` Destructively subtracts a scalar from this vector. ### multi method mul ```perl6 multi method mul( Math::Vector3D:D $v ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` Destructively multiplies this vector by another vector. ### multi method mul ```perl6 multi method mul( Numeric:D $n ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` Destructively multiplies this vector by a scalar value. ### multi method div ```perl6 multi method div( Math::Vector3D:D $v ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` Destructively divides this vector by another vector. ### multi method div ```perl6 multi method div( Numeric:D $n ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` Destructively divides this vector by a scalar value. ### method negate ```perl6 method negate() returns Math::Vector3D ``` Returns a new vector with negated values for x, y, and z. ### method cross ```perl6 method cross( Math::Vector3D:D $v ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` Destructively updates this vector to be the cross product of itself and another vector. ### method dot ```perl6 method dot( Math::Vector3D:D $v ) returns Numeric ``` Computes the dot product of the vector and the supplied number. ### method angle-to ```perl6 method angle-to( Math::Vector3D:D $v ) returns Numeric ``` Computes the angle to the supplied vector. ### method distance-to-squared ```perl6 method distance-to-squared( Math::Vector3D:D $v ) returns Numeric ``` Computes the square of the distance between this vector and the supplied vector. ### method distance-to ```perl6 method distance-to( Math::Vector3D:D $v ) returns Numeric ``` Computes the distance between this vector and the supplied vector. ### method normalize ```perl6 method normalize() returns Math::Vector3D ``` Destructively normalizes this vector. ### method set-length ```perl6 method set-length( Numeric:D $n ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` Destructively sets the length of the vector. ### method lerp ```perl6 method lerp( Math::Vector3D:D $target, Numeric:D $n ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` Lerps toward the target vector by the supplied value. ### method List ```perl6 method List() returns List ``` Coerces to a List of [x, y, z] ### multi sub infix:<+> ```perl6 multi sub infix:<+>( Math::Vector3D:D $v, $n ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` + is overloaded to add ### multi sub infix:<-> ```perl6 multi sub infix:<->( Math::Vector3D:D $v, $n ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` - is overloaded to sub ### multi sub infix:<*> ```perl6 multi sub infix:<*>( Math::Vector3D:D $v, $n ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` * is overloaded to mul ### multi sub infix:</> ```perl6 multi sub infix:</>( Math::Vector3D:D $v, $n ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` / is overloaded to div ### multi sub infix:<==> ```perl6 multi sub infix:<==>( Math::Vector3D:D $v1, Math::Vector3D:D $v2 ) returns Bool ``` == is overloaded to compare two vectors' x, y, and z values ### multi sub vec ```perl6 multi sub vec( Numeric:D $x = 0, Numeric:D $y = 0, Numeric:D $z = 0 ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` Syntactic sugar to construct a new vector from three numbers. ### multi sub vec ```perl6 multi sub vec( Math::Vector3D:D $v ) returns Math::Vector3D ``` Syntactic sugar to construct a new vector from another vector (clone).