#!/usr/bin/perl # -------------------------------------------------------- Documentation notice # Run "perldoc ./make_rpm.pl" in order to best view the software documentation # internalized in this program. # --------------------------------------------------------- License Information # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA # make_rpm.pl - make RedHat package manager file (A CLEAN AND CONFIGURABLE WAY) # # $Id$ # # Written by Scott Harrison, harris41@msu.edu # # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees # # This file was written to help the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA) # project. # # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # http://www.lon-capa.org/ # # YEAR=2000 # 9/30,10/2,12/11,12/12,12/21 - Scott Harrison # YEAR=2001 # 1/8,1/10,1/13,1/23,5/16 - Scott Harrison # YEAR=2002 # 1/4,1/8,1/9,2/13,4/7,12/18 - Scott Harrison # ### # make_rpm.pl automatically generate RPM software packages # from a target image directory and file listing. POD # documentation is at the end of this file. ############################################################################### ## ## ## ORGANIZATION OF THIS PERL SCRIPT ## ## ## ## 1. Check to see if RPM builder application is available ## ## 2. Read in command-line arguments ## ## 3. Generate temporary directories (subdirs of first command-line argument)## ## 4. Initialize some variables ## ## 5. Create a stand-alone rpm building environment ## ## 6. Perform variable initializations and customizations ## ## 7. Print header information for .spec file ## ## 8. Process file list and generate information ## ## 9. Generate SRPM and BinaryRoot Makefiles ## ## 10. mirror copy (BinaryRoot) files under a temporary directory ## ## 11. roll everything into an rpm ## ## 12. clean everything up ## ## 13. subroutines ## ## 13a. find_info - recursively gather information from a directory ## ## 13b. grabtag - grab a tag from an XML string ## ## 14. Plain Old Documentation ## ## ## ############################################################################### my $VERSION = 2.0; use strict; # ------------------------ Check to see if RPM builder application is available unless (-e '/usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc') # part of the expected rpm software package { print(<<END); **** ERROR **** This script only works with a properly installed RPM builder application. Cannot find /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc, so cannot generate customized rpmrc file. Script aborting. END exit(1); } # ---------------------------------------------- Read in command-line arguments my ($tag,$version,$release,$configuration_files,$documentation_files, $pathprefix,$customize)=@ARGV; @ARGV=(); # read standard input based on a pipe, not a command-line argument # standardize pathprefix argument $pathprefix=~s/\/$//; # OTHERWISE THE BEGINNING SLASH MIGHT BE REMOVED if (!$version) # version should be defined and string length greater than zero { print(<<END); See "perldoc make_rpm.pl" for more information. Usage: <STDIN> | perl make_rpm.pl <TAG> <VERSION> <RELEASE> [CONFIGURATION_FILES] [DOCUMENTATION_FILES] [PATHPREFIX] [CUSTOMIZATION_XML] Standard input provides the list of files to work with. TAG, required descriptive tag. For example, a kerberos software package might be tagged as "krb4". (This value is also used in the generation of a temporary directory; you cannot have a pre-existing directory named ./TAG.) VERSION, required version. Needed to generate version information for the RPM. It is recommended that this be in the format N.M where N and M are integers. For example, 0.3, 4.1, and 8.9 are all valid version numbers. RELEASE, required release number. Needed to generate release information for the RPM. This is typically an integer, but can also be given descriptive text such as 'rh7' or 'mandrake8a'. CONFIGURATION_FILES, optional comma-separated listing of files to be treated as configuration files by RPM (and thus subject to saving during RPM upgrades). DOCUMENTATION_FILES, optional comma-separated listing of files to be treated as documentation files by RPM (and thus subject to being placed in the /usr/doc/RPM-NAME directory during RPM installation). PATHPREFIX, optional path to be removed from file listing. This is in case you are building an RPM from files elsewhere than root-level. Note, this still depends on a root directory hierarchy after PATHPREFIX. CUSTOMIZATION_XML, allows for customizing various pieces of information such as vendor, summary, name, copyright, group, autoreqprov, requires, prereq, description, and pre-installation scripts (see more in the POD, "perldoc make_rpm.pl"). END exit(1); } # ----- Generate temporary directories (subdirs of first command-line argument) # Do some error-checking related to important first command-line argument. if ($tag=~/[^\w-]/) # non-alphanumeric characters cause problems { print(<<END); **** ERROR **** Invalid tag name "$tag" (The first command-line argument must be alphanumeric characters without spaces.) END exit(1); } if (-e $tag) # do not overwrite or conflict with existing data { print(<<END); **** ERROR **** a file or directory "./$tag" already exists (This program needs to generate a temporary directory named "$tag".) END exit(1); } print('Generating temporary directory ./'.$tag."\n"); mkdir($tag,0755) or die("**** ERROR **** cannot generate $tag directory\n"); mkdir("$tag/BuildRoot",0755); mkdir("$tag/SOURCES",0755); mkdir("$tag/SPECS",0755); mkdir("$tag/BUILD",0755); mkdir("$tag/SRPMS",0755); mkdir("$tag/RPMS",0755); mkdir("$tag/RPMS/i386",0755); # -------------------------------------------------------- Initialize variables my $file; my $binaryroot=$tag.'/BinaryRoot'; my ($type,$size,$octalmode,$user,$group); my $currentdir=`pwd`; chomp($currentdir); my $invokingdir=$currentdir; $currentdir.='/'.$tag; # ------------------------------- Create a stand-alone rpm building environment print('Creating stand-alone rpm build environment.'."\n"); open(IN,'</usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc') or die('Cannot open /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc'."\n"); my @lines=<IN>; close(IN); open(RPMRC,">$tag/SPECS/rpmrc"); foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line=~/^macrofiles/) { chomp($line); $line.=":$currentdir/SPECS/rpmmacros\n"; } print(RPMRC $line); } close(RPMRC); open(RPMMACROS,">$tag/SPECS/rpmmacros"); print(RPMMACROS <<END); \%_topdir $currentdir \%__spec_install_post \\ /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip \\ /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-comment-note \\ \%{nil} END close(RPMMACROS); # ------------------------- Perform variable initializations and customizations my $cu=''; # string that holds customization XML file contents if (length($customize)>0) { print('Reading in XML-formatted customizations from '.$customize."\n"); open(IN,"<$customize") or ( print(`cd $invokingdir; rm -Rf $tag`) and die('Cannot open customization file "'.$customize.'"'."\n") ); my @clines=(<IN>); $cu=join('',@clines); close(IN); } # tv - temporary variable (if it exists inside the XML document) then use it, # otherwise don't overwrite existing values of variables my $tv=''; # (Sure. We could use HTML::TokeParser here... but that wouldn't be fun now, # would it?) my $name=$tag; # read in name from customization if available $tv=grabtag('name',$cu,1); $name=$tv if $tv; $name=~s/\<tag \/\>/$tag/g; # (When in doubt, be paranoid about overwriting things.) if (-e "$name-$version-1.i386.rpm") { print(`cd $invokingdir; rm -Rf $tag`); # clean temporary filespace in use die("**** ERROR **** $name-$version-1.i386.rpm already exists.\n"); } my $requires=''; # read in relevant requires info from customization file (if applicable) # note that "PreReq: item" controls order of CD-ROM installation (if you # are making a customized CD-ROM) # "Requires: item" just enforces dependencies from the command-line invocation $tv=grabtag('requires',$cu,1); $requires=$tv if $tv; # do more require processing here $requires=~s/\s*\<\/item\>\s*//g; $requires=~s/\s*\<item\>\s*/\n/g; $requires=~s/^\s+//s; my $summary='Files for the '.$name.' software package.'; # read in summary from customization if available $tv=grabtag('summary',$cu,1); $summary=$tv if $tv; $summary=~s/\<tag \/\>/$tag/g; my $autoreqprov='no'; # read in autoreqprov from customization if available $tv=grabtag('autoreqprov',$cu,1); $autoreqprov=$tv if $tv; my $copyright="not specified here"; # read in copyright from customization if available $tv=grabtag('copyright',$cu,1); $copyright=$tv if $tv; $copyright=~s/\<tag \/\>/$tag/g; my $rpmgroup="Utilities/System"; # read in copyright from customization if available $tv=grabtag('group',$cu,1); $rpmgroup=$tv if $tv; $rpmgroup=~s/\<tag \/\>/$tag/g; my $vendor='Me'; # read in vendor from customization if available $tv=grabtag('vendor',$cu,1); $vendor=$tv if $tv; $vendor=~s/\<tag \/\>/$tag/g; my $description="$name software package"; # read in description from customization if available $tv=grabtag('description',$cu,0); $description=$tv if $tv; $description=~s/\<tag \/\>/$tag/g; my $pre=''; # read in pre-installation script if available $tv=grabtag('pre',$cu,0); $pre=$tv if $tv; $pre=~s/\<tag \/\>/$tag/g; # ------------------------------------- Print header information for .spec file print('Print header information for .spec file'."\n"); open(SPEC,">$tag/SPECS/$name-$version.spec"); print(SPEC <<END); Summary: $summary Name: $name Version: $version Release: $release Vendor: $vendor BuildRoot: $currentdir/BuildRoot Copyright: $copyright Group: $rpmgroup Source: $name-$version.tar.gz AutoReqProv: $autoreqprov $requires # requires: filesystem \%description $description \%prep \%setup \%build rm -Rf "$currentdir/BuildRoot" \%install make ROOT="\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" SOURCE="$currentdir/BinaryRoot" directories make ROOT="\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" SOURCE="$currentdir/BinaryRoot" files make ROOT="\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" SOURCE="$currentdir/BinaryRoot" links \%pre $pre \%post \%postun \%files END # ------------------------------------ Process file list and gather information print('Process standard input file list and gather information.'."\n"); my %BinaryRootMakefile; my %Makefile; my %dotspecfile; foreach my $file (<>) { chomp($file); my $comment=""; if ($file=~/\s+\#(.*)$/) { $file=~s/\s+\#(.*)$//; $comment=$1; } my $directive=""; if ($comment=~/config\(noreplace\)/) { $directive="\%config(noreplace) "; } elsif ($comment=~/config/) { $directive="\%config "; } elsif ($comment=~/doc/) { $directive="\%doc"; } if (($type,$size,$octalmode,$user,$group)=find_info($file)) { $octalmode="0" . $octalmode if length($octalmode)<4; if ($pathprefix) { $file=~s/^$pathprefix//; } if ($type eq "files") { push(@{$BinaryRootMakefile{$type}},"\tinstall -D -m $octalmode ". "$pathprefix$file $binaryroot$file\n"); push(@{$Makefile{$type}},"\tinstall -D -m $octalmode ". "\$(SOURCE)$file \$(ROOT)$file\n"); push(@{$dotspecfile{$type}},"$directive\%attr($octalmode,$user,". "$group) $file\n"); } elsif ($type eq "directories") { push(@{$BinaryRootMakefile{$type}},"\tinstall -m $octalmode -d ". "$binaryroot$file\n"); push(@{$Makefile{$type}},"\tinstall -m $octalmode -d ". "\$(SOURCE)$file \$(ROOT)$file\n"); push(@{$dotspecfile{$type}},"\%dir \%attr($octalmode,$user,". "$group) $file\n"); } elsif ($type eq "links") { my $link=$size; # I use the size variable to pass the link value # from the subroutine find_info $link=~s/^$pathprefix//; push(@{$BinaryRootMakefile{$type}}, "\tln -s $link $binaryroot$file\n"); push(@{$Makefile{$type}},"\tln -s $link \$(ROOT)$file\n"); push(@{$dotspecfile{$type}},"\%attr(-,$user,$group) $file\n"); } } } # -------------------------------------- Generate SRPM and BinaryRoot Makefiles print('Generate SRPM and BinaryRoot Makefiles.'."\n"); # Generate a much needed directory. # This directory is meant to hold all source code information # necessary for converting .src.rpm files into .i386.rpm files. mkdir("$tag/SOURCES/$name-$version",0755); open(OUTS,">$tag/SOURCES/$name-$version/Makefile"); open(OUTB, ">$tag/BinaryRootMakefile"); foreach $type ("directories","files","links") { print(OUTS "$type\:\n"); print(OUTS join("",@{$Makefile{$type}})) if $Makefile{$type}; print(OUTS "\n"); print(OUTB "$type\:\n"); print(OUTB join("",@{$BinaryRootMakefile{$type}})) if $BinaryRootMakefile{$type}; print(OUTB "\n"); print(SPEC join("",@{$dotspecfile{$type}})) if $dotspecfile{$type}; } close(OUTB); close(OUTS); close(SPEC); # ------------------ mirror copy (BinaryRoot) files under a temporary directory print('Mirror copy (BinaryRoot) files.'."\n"); `make -f $tag/BinaryRootMakefile directories`; `make -f $tag/BinaryRootMakefile files`; `make -f $tag/BinaryRootMakefile links`; # ------------------------------------------------- roll everything into an RPM print('Build a tarball and then run the rpm -ba command.'."\n"); my $command="cd $currentdir/SOURCES; tar czvf $name-$version.tar.gz ". "$name-$version"; print(`$command`); # ----------------------------------------- Define commands to be executed. # command1a works for rpm version <=4.0.2 # command1b works for rpm version >4.0.4 my $arch = 'i386'; my $command1a="cd $currentdir/SPECS; rpm --rcfile=./rpmrc --target=$arch -ba ". "$name-$version.spec"; my $rpmcommand = 'rpm'; if (`rpmbuild --version`) {$rpmcommand = 'rpmbuild';} my $command1b="cd $currentdir/SPECS; $rpmcommand --rcfile=./rpmrc ". "-ba --target $arch ". "$name-$version.spec"; # ---------------------------------------------- Run the "rpm -ba" command. # The strategy here is to...try one approach, and then the other. print "$command1a\n"; print (`$command1a`); if ($?!=0) { print(<<END); **** WARNING **** RPM compilation failed for rpm version 4.0.2 command syntax (...trying another command syntax...) END print "$command1b\n"; print (`$command1b`); if ($?!=0) { print(<<END); **** ERROR **** RPM compilation failed for rpm version 4.0.4 command syntax (...no more syntax choices to try...) END exit(1); } } # -------------------------------------------------------- Retrieve binary rpm. $command="cd $currentdir/RPMS/$arch; cp -v ". "$name-$version-$release.$arch.rpm $invokingdir/."; print(`$command`); # --------------------------------------------------------- clean everything up print('Removing temporary ./'.$tag.' directory'."\n"); print(`cd $invokingdir; rm -Rf $tag`); # -------------------------------------------------------- Yeah! We're all done print('Success. Script complete.'."\n"); # ----------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINES # ----- Subroutine: find_info - recursively gather information from a directory sub find_info { my ($file)=@_; my $line=''; my $safefile = $file; $safefile =~ s/\+/\\+/g; # Better regular expression matching. if (($line=`find $file -type f -prune`)=~/^$safefile\n/) { $line=`find $file -type f -prune -printf "\%s\t\%m\t\%u\t\%g"`; return("files",split(/\t/,$line)); } elsif (($line=`find $file -type d -prune`)=~/^$safefile\n/) { $line=`find $file -type d -prune -printf "\%s\t\%m\t\%u\t\%g"`; return("directories",split(/\t/,$line)); } elsif (($line=`find $file -type l -prune`)=~/^$safefile\n/) { $line=`find $file -type l -prune -printf "\%l\t\%m\t\%u\t\%g"`; return("links",split(/\t/,$line)); } die("**** ERROR **** $file is neither a directory, soft link, or file.\n"); } # ------------------------- Subroutine: grabtag - grab a tag from an xml string sub grabtag { my ($tag,$text,$clean)=@_; # meant to be quick and dirty as opposed to a formal state machine parser my $value=''; $cu=~/\<$tag\>(.*?)\<\/$tag\>/s; $value=$1; $value=~s/^\s+//; if ($clean==1) { $value=~s/\n\s/ /g; $value=~s/\s\n/ /g; $value=~s/\n/ /g; $value=~s/\s+$//; } return($value); } # ----------------------------------------------------- Plain Old Documentation =pod =head1 NAME make_rpm.pl - cleanly generate an rpm in a simple one-line command =head1 SYNOPSIS Usage: <STDIN> | make_rpm.pl <TAG> <VERSION> <RELEASE> [CONFIGURATION_FILES] [DOCUMENTATION_FILES] [PATHPREFIX] [CUSTOMIZATION_XML] =head2 The standard input stream I<STDIN>, the standard input stream, provides the list of files to work with. This list of file names must give the complete filesystem path starting from '/'. =over 4 =item * For instance, the following is invalid: romeodir/file1.txt # ** INVALID! ** missing leading filesystem path romeodir/file2.txt romeodir/file3.txt =item * Whereas, the following is valid: /home/joe/romeodir/file1.txt /home/joe/romeodir/file2.txt /home/joe/romeodir/file3.txt =item * In terms of the B<find> command, "find romeodir | perl make_rpm.pl [COMMAND-LINE ARGUMENTS]" is incorrect, whereas "find /home/joe/romeodir |perl make_rpm.pl [COMMAND-LINE ARGUMENTS]" or "find `pwd`/romeodir |perl make_rpm.pl [COMMAND-LINE ARGUMENTS]" is correct. =back The standard input stream can also specify configuration files and documentation files through '#'-style commenting. For example, the following file listing encodes some of these directives: /home/joe/romeodir/buildloc/etc/romeo/user.conf # config(noreplace) /home/joe/romeodir/buildloc/etc/romeo/juliet.conf # config /home/joe/romeodir/buildloc/doc/man/man.1/romeo.1 # doc /home/joe/romeodir/buildloc/doc/man/man.1/romeo_talks.1 # doc /home/joe/romeodir/buildloc/usr/local/bin/where_art_thou /home/joe/romeodir/buildloc/usr/local/bin/romeo_talks The I<config> directive controls how files are replaced and/or backed up when a user attempts to install (B<rpm -i>) the F<.rpm> file generated by B<make_rpm.pl>. The I<doc> directive controls how a given file is placed inside special documentation directories on the filesystem during rpm installation (B<rpm -i>). (If you want to learn more on how the B<rpm> tool gives configuration and documentation files special treatment, you should read about "Directives" in Edward Bailey's well-known "Maximum RPM" book available online at http://www.rpm.org/max-rpm/s1-rpm-inside-files-list-directives.html.) =head2 Description of command-line arguments I<TAG> ($tag), B<required> descriptive tag. For example, a kerberos software package might be tagged as "krb4". I<VERSION> ($version), B<required> version. Needed to generate version information for the RPM. This should be in the format N.M where N and M are integers. I<RELEASE> ($release), B<required> release number. Needed to generate release information for the RPM. This is typically an integer, but can also be given descriptive text such as 'rh7' or 'mandrake8a'. I<CONFIGURATION_FILES>, B<optional> comma-separated listing of files to be treated as configuration files by RPM (and thus subject to saving during RPM upgrades). Configuration files can also be specified in the standard input stream (as described in L<"The standard input stream">). I<DOCUMENTATION_FILES>, B<optional> comma-separated listing of files to be treated as documentation files by RPM (and thus subject to being placed in the F</usr/doc/RPM-NAME> directory during RPM installation). Documentation files can also be specified in the standard input stream (as described in L<"The standard input stream">). I<PATHPREFIX>, B<optional> path to be removed from file listing. This is in case you are building an RPM from files elsewhere than root-level. Note, this still depends on a root directory hierarchy after PATHPREFIX. I<CUSTOMIZATION_XML>, B<optional> filename where XML-ish information exists. Allows for customizing various pieces of information such as vendor, summary, name, copyright, group, autoreqprov, requires, prereq, description, and pre-installation scripts (see L<"Customizing descriptive data of your RPM software package">). =head2 Examples bash$ find /notreallyrootdir | perl make_rpm.pl \ makemoney 3.1 1 '' \ '/usr/doc/man/man3/makemoney.3' \ /notreallyrootdir would generate makemoney-3.1-1.i386.rpm bash$ find /usr/local/bin | \ perl make_rpm.pl mybinfiles 1.0 2 would generate mybinfiles-1.0-2.i386.rpm bash$ echo '/sycamore33/tree.txt' | \ perl make_rpm.pl sycamore 1.0 2 '' '' '/sycamore33' would generate sycamore-1.0-2.i386.rpm Note that the generated sycamore rpm would install files at the root '/' directory (not underneath /sycamore33); thus a file named '/tree.txt' is created, NOT '/sycamore33/tree.txt'. bash$ find /home/joe/romeodir/buildloc | \ perl make_rpm.pl romeo \ 1.0 3 '' '' '/home/joe/romeodir/buildloc' customize.xml would generate romeo with customizations from customize.xml. Note that the generated romeo rpm would install files at the root '/' directory (not underneath /home/joe/romedir/buildloc). The I<CUSTOMIZATION_XML> argument represents a way to customize the numerous variables associated with RPMs. This argument represents a file name. (Parsing is done in an unsophisticated fashion using regular expressions.) See L<"Customizing descriptive data of your RPM software package">. =head1 Customizing descriptive data of your RPM software package RPMS can be (and often are) packaged with descriptive data describing authorship, dependencies, descriptions, etc. The following values can be tagged inside an XML file (specified by the 6th command-line argument) and made part of the RPM package information (B<rpm -qi E<lt>package-nameE<gt>>). =over 4 =item * vendor =item * summary =item * name (overrides the <TAG> argument value; see L<"Description of command-line arguments>) =item * copyright =item * group (the software package group; e.g. Applications/System, User Interface/X, Development/Libraries, etc.) =item * requires Contains all the dependency information (see the example below). =item * description =item * pre Commands to be executed prior to software package installation. =back Here is an example (note that B<make_rpm.pl> automatically substitutes any "<tag />" string with the first command-line argument described in L<"Description of command-line arguments">): <vendor> Laboratory for Instructional Technology Education, Division of Science and Mathematics Education, Michigan State University. </vendor> <summary>Files for the <tag /> component of LON-CAPA</summary> <name>LON-CAPA-<tag /></name> <copyright>Michigan State University patents may apply.</copyright> <group>Utilities/System</group> <AutoReqProv>no</AutoReqProv> <requires tag='setup'> <item>PreReq: setup</item> <item>PreReq: passwd</item> <item>PreReq: util-linux</item> </requires> <requires tag='base'> <item>PreReq: LON-CAPA-setup</item> <item>PreReq: apache</item> <item>PreReq: /etc/httpd/conf/access.conf</item> </requires> <requires> <item>Requires: LON-CAPA-base</item> </requires> <description> This package is automatically generated by the make_rpm.pl perl script (written by the LON-CAPA development team, www.lon-capa.org, Scott Harrison). This implements the <tag /> component for LON-CAPA. For more on the LON-CAPA project, visit http://www.lon-capa.org/. </description> <pre> echo "************************************************************" echo "LON-CAPA LearningOnline with CAPA" echo "http://www.lon-capa.org/" echo " " echo "Laboratory for Instructional Technology Education" echo "Michigan State University" echo " " echo "** Michigan State University patents may apply **" echo " " echo "This installation assumes an installation of Redhat 6.2" echo " " echo "The files in this package are for the <tag /> component." echo "***********************************************************" </pre> =head1 DESCRIPTION Automatically generate an RPM software package from a list of files. B<make_rpm.pl> builds the RPM in a very clean and configurable fashion. (Finally! Making RPMs outside of F</usr/src/redhat> without a zillion file intermediates left over!) B<make_rpm.pl> generates and then deletes temporary files needed to build an RPM with. It works cleanly and independently from pre-existing directory trees such as F</usr/src/redhat/*>. Input to the script is simple. B<make_rpm.pl> accepts five kinds of information, three of which are mandatory: =over 4 =item * (required) a list of files that are to be part of the software package; =item * (required) the absolute filesystem location of these files (see L<"The standard input stream">); =item * (required) a descriptive tag, version tag, and release tag for the naming of the RPM software package; =item * (optional) documentation and configuration files; =item * and (optional) an XML file that defines the additional metadata associated with the RPM software package. =back A temporary directory named $tag (first argument described in L<"Description of command-line arguments">) is =over 4 =item * generated under the directory from which you run B<make_rpm.pl>. For example, user "joe" running cat file_list.txt | make_rpm.pl krb4 1.0 1 would temporarily generate F</home/joe/krb4/>. =item * F</home/joe/krb4/> is deleted after the *.rpm file is generated. =back The RPM will typically be named $name-$version.i386.rpm where $name=$tag. (The $name can be overridden in the customization XML file; see L<"Customizing descriptive data of your RPM software package">.) Here are some of the items are generated inside the $tag directory during the construction of an RPM: =over 4 =item * RPM .spec file (F<./$tag/SPECS/$name-$version.spec>) =item * RPM Makefile (F<./$tag/SOURCES/$name-$version/Makefile>) This is the Makefile that is called by the rpm command in building the .i386.rpm from the .src.rpm. The following directories are generated and/or used: =over 4 =item * SOURCE directory: F<./$tag/BinaryRoot/> =item * TARGET directory: F<./$tag/BuildRoot/> =back =item * BinaryRootMakefile (F<./$tag/BinaryRootMakefile>) This is the Makefile that this script creates and calls to build the F<$tag/BinaryRoot/> directory from the existing filesystem. The following directories are generated and/or used: =over 4 =item * SOURCE directory: / (your entire filesystem) =item * TARGET directory: F<./$tag/BinaryRoot/> =back =back The final output of B<make_rpm.pl> is a binary F<.rpm> file. The F<./tag> directory is deleted (along with the F<.src.rpm> file). The typical file name generated by B<make_rpm.pl> is F<$tag-$version.i386.rpm>. B<make_rpm.pl> is compatible with either rpm version 3.* or rpm version 4.*. =head1 README Automatically generate an RPM software package from a list of files. B<make_rpm.pl> builds the RPM in a very clean and configurable fashion. (Making RPMs "the simple way" in a one-line command.) B<make_rpm.pl> generates and then deletes temporary files (and binary root directory tree) to build an RPM with. It is designed to work cleanly and independently from pre-existing directory trees such as /usr/src/redhat/*. =head1 PREREQUISITES This script requires the C<strict> module. =head1 AUTHOR Scott Harrison harris41@msu.edu Please let me know how/if you are finding this script useful and any/all suggestions. -Scott =head1 LICENSE Written by Scott Harrison, harris41@msu.edu Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA). This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. The GNU Public License is available for review at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. For information on the LON-CAPA project, please visit http://www.lon-capa.org/. =head1 OSNAMES Linux =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES UNIX/System_administration =cut