# into 1. blah
sub section_title {
my ( $self, $node, $args ) = @_;
my $section_nbr = $self->stash->{section_nbr}++;
return $section_nbr . ". " . $node->findvalue( '@title' );
By default, the stash is cleared when rendering a document.
To change this behavior, see ["use\_clean\_stash" in XML::XSS::Document](https://metacpan.org/pod/XML::XSS::Document#use_clean_stash).
### stash()
The attribute getter.
### clear\_stash()
Clear the stash.
## Concatenation (.)
The concatenation operator is overloaded to behave as an alias for `get()`.
my $chapter = $xss.'chapter'; # just like $xss->get('chapter')
$chapter->set_pre( '' );
$chapter->set_post( '
' );
Gets really powerful when used in concert with the overloading of the rules
and style attributes:
# equivalent as example above
$xss.'chapter'.'pre' *= '';
$xss.'chapter'.'post' *= '
## set( $element\_1 => \\%attrs, $element\_2 => \\%attrs\_2, ... )
Sets attributes for a rendering node.
The `$name` can be
an XML element name, or one of the special keywords `#document`,
`#text`, `#comment`, `#pi` or `*` (for the
_catch-all_ element),
which will resolve to the corresponding rendering object.
$xss->set( 'foo' => { rename => 'bar' } );
# same as $xss->element('foo')->set( rename => 'bar' );
$xss->set( '#text' => { filter => { uc shift } } );
# same as $xss->text->set( filter => { uc shift } );
Note that subsequent calls to `set()` are additive. I.e.:
$xss->set( foo => { pre => 'X' } );
$xss->set( foo => { post => 'Y' } ); # pre is still set to 'X'
If you want to delete an attribute, passes it `undef` as its
## render( $xml, \\%args )
Returns the output produced by the application of the
stylesheet to the xml document. The xml can
be passed as a string, or as a `XML::LibXML` object.
Several `XML::LibXML` objects can also be passed, in
which case the return value will be the concatenation
of their transformations.
my $sections = $xss->render( $doc->findnodes( 'section' ) );
The `%args` is optional, and will defaults to an empty
hash if not provided. The reference to `%args` is also passed to
the recursive calls to `render()` for the children of the processed
node, which allows for another way for parent/children nodes to pass
information in addition to the `stash`.
# count the descendents of all nodes
'*' => {
process => sub {
my ( $self, $node, $attrs ) = @_;
return 1;
content => sub {
my ( $self, $node, $attrs ) = @_;
my %c_attrs;
my $c_ref = \%c_attrs;
my $output = $self->render( $node->childNodes, $c_ref );
$attrs->{children} += $c_ref->{children};
$self->{post} =
"\n>>> node has "
. ($c_ref->{children}||0)
. " descendents\n";
return $output;
} );
Yanick Champoux [](http://coderwall.com/yanick)
This software is copyright (c) 2017, 2013, 2011, 2010 by Yanick Champoux.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.