Role::Tiny - Roles. Like a nouvelle cuisine portion size slice of Moose.

     package Some::Role;

     use Role::Tiny;

     sub foo { ... }

     sub bar { ... }

     around baz => sub { ... }


    else where

     package Some::Class;

     use Role::Tiny::With;

     # bar gets imported, but not foo
     with 'Some::Role';

     sub foo { ... }

     # baz is wrapped in the around modifier by Class::Method::Modifiers
     sub baz { ... }


    If you wanted attributes as well, look at Moo::Role.

    "Role::Tiny" is a minimalist role composition tool.

    Role composition can be thought of as much more clever and meaningful
    multiple inheritance. The basics of this implementation of roles is:

    * If a method is already defined on a class, that method will not be
      composed in from the role.

    * If a method that the role "requires" to be implemented is not
      implemented, role application will fail loudly.

    Unlike Class::C3, where the last class inherited from "wins," role
    composition is the other way around, where the class wins. If multiple
    roles are applied in a single call (single with statement), then if any
    of their provided methods clash, an exception is raised unless the class
    provides a method since this conflict indicates a potential problem.

     requires qw(foo bar);

    Declares a list of methods that must be defined to compose role.

     with 'Some::Role1';

     with 'Some::Role1', 'Some::Role2';

    Composes another role into the current role (or class via

    If you have conflicts and want to resolve them in favour of Some::Role1
    you can instead write:

     with 'Some::Role1';
     with 'Some::Role2';

    If you have conflicts and want to resolve different conflicts in favour
    of different roles, please refactor your codebase.

     before foo => sub { ... };

    See "before method(s) => sub { ... }" in Class::Method::Modifiers for
    full documentation.

    Note that since you are not required to use method modifiers,
    Class::Method::Modifiers is lazily loaded and we do not declare it as a
    dependency. If your Role::Tiny role uses modifiers you must depend on
    both Class::Method::Modifiers and Role::Tiny.

     around foo => sub { ... };

    See "around method(s) => sub { ... }" in Class::Method::Modifiers for
    full documentation.

    Note that since you are not required to use method modifiers,
    Class::Method::Modifiers is lazily loaded and we do not declare it as a
    dependency. If your Role::Tiny role uses modifiers you must depend on
    both Class::Method::Modifiers and Role::Tiny.

     after foo => sub { ... };

    See "after method(s) => sub { ... }" in Class::Method::Modifiers for
    full documentation.

    Note that since you are not required to use method modifiers,
    Class::Method::Modifiers is lazily loaded and we do not declare it as a
    dependency. If your Role::Tiny role uses modifiers you must depend on
    both Class::Method::Modifiers and Role::Tiny.

     if (Role::Tiny::does_role($foo, 'Some::Role')) {

    Returns true if class has been composed with role.

    This subroutine is also installed as ->does on any class a Role::Tiny is
    composed into unless that class already has an ->does method, so

      if ($foo->does('Some::Role')) {

    will work for classes but to test a role, one must use ::does_role

       'Some::Package', 'Some::Role', 'Some::Other::Role'

    Composes role with package. See also Role::Tiny::With.

     Role::Tiny->apply_roles_to_object($foo, qw(Some::Role1 Some::Role2));

    Composes roles in order into object directly. Object is reblessed into
    the resulting class.

     Role::Tiny->create_class_with_roles('Some::Base', qw(Some::Role1 Some::Role2));

    Creates a new class based on base, with the roles composed into it in
    order. New class is returned.

    Role::Tiny is the attribute-less subset of Moo::Role; Moo::Role is a
    meta-protocol-less subset of the king of role systems, Moose::Role.

    If you don't want method modifiers and do want to be forcibly restricted
    to a single role application per class, Ovid's Role::Basic exists. But
    Stevan Little (the Moose author) and I don't find the additional
    restrictions to be amazingly helpful in most cases; Role::Basic's
    choices are more a guide to what you should prefer doing, to our mind,
    rather than something that needs to be enforced.

    mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <>

    dg - David Leadbeater (cpan:DGL) <>

    frew - Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt (cpan:FREW) <>

    hobbs - Andrew Rodland (cpan:ARODLAND) <>

    jnap - John Napiorkowski (cpan:JJNAPIORK) <>

    ribasushi - Peter Rabbitson (cpan:RIBASUSHI) <>

    chip - Chip Salzenberg (cpan:CHIPS) <>

    ajgb - Alex J. G. Burzyński (cpan:AJGB) <>

    doy - Jesse Luehrs (cpan:DOY) <doy at tozt dot net>

    perigrin - Chris Prather (cpan:PERIGRIN) <>

    Mithaldu - Christian Walde (cpan:MITHALDU)

    ilmari - Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker (cpan:ILMARI) <>

    Copyright (c) 2010-2012 the Role::Tiny "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as
    listed above.

    This library is free software and may be distributed under the same
    terms as perl itself.

    Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained

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        Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Burzyński'. Assuming