#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; # netstats.pl my $VERSION = 0.05; # originally posted at http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=1140950 # thanks to Discipulus from over at PerlMonks who # added the original usage output, added the remaining statuses # and added the Getopt::Long functionality my $platform = $^O; my @wanted = qw( ESTABLISHED SYN_SENT SYN_RECV FIN_WAIT1 FIN_WAIT2 TIME_WAIT CLOSE CLOSE_WAIT LAST_ACK LISTEN CLOSING UNKNOWN ); my %statuses = map { $_=> undef } @wanted; # platform specific status munging... my $listen; if ($platform eq 'MSWin32'){ $listen = 'LISTENING'; delete $statuses{LISTEN}; $statuses{$listen} = undef; } else { $listen = 'LISTEN'; } my $given_args = scalar @ARGV; my $auto = 0; if (grep {$_ =~ /-a|--auto/ } @ARGV){ $given_args -= 2; } unless ( GetOptions ( "ESTABLISHED|E" => \$statuses{ESTABLISHED}, "SYN_SENT|SS" => \$statuses{SYN_SENT}, "SYN_RECV|SR" => \$statuses{SYN_RECV}, "FIN_WAIT1|F1" => \$statuses{FIN_WAIT1}, "FIN_WAIT2|F2" => \$statuses{FIN_WAIT2}, "TIME_WAIT|TW" => \$statuses{TIME_WAIT}, "CLOSE|C" => \$statuses{CLOSE}, "CLOSE_WAIT|CW" => \$statuses{CLOSE_WAIT}, "LAST_ACK|LA" => \$statuses{LAST_ACK}, "LISTEN|L" => \$statuses{$listen}, "CLOSING|CG" => \$statuses{CLOSING}, "UNKNOWN|U" => \$statuses{UNKNOWN}, "auto|a=i" => \$auto, "help" => \&help, )) { help(); } if ($auto){ my $clear = $platform eq 'MSWin32' ? 'cls' : 'clear'; while (1){ system($clear); netstat(); sleep($auto); } } else { netstat(); } sub netstat { my @stat = split '\n', `netstat -nat`; if ($given_args == 0){map {$statuses{$_}=1} keys %statuses} my %data = map {$_ => 0} keys %statuses; for (@stat){ s/^\s+//; my $status; if ($platform eq 'MSWin32'){ $status = (split)[3]; } else { $status = (split)[5]; } next if ! $status; $data{$status}++ if defined $data{$status}; } map { printf "%10s\t$data{$_}\n ",$_} sort grep {defined $statuses{$_}} keys %statuses; } sub help { print "\nUSAGE $0:\n"; print <<EOF; OPTIONS: Options specifies which status will be reported in the output. Name of status can be given in upper or lower case. If no options are given all statuses will be printed. You can use the following option abbreviations: -e for --ESTABLISHED -ss for --SYN_SENT -sr for --SYN_RECV -f1 for --FIN_WAIT1 -f2 for --FIN_WAIT2 -tw for --Time_WAIT -c for --CLOSE -cw for --CLOSE_WAIT -la for --LAST_ACK -l for --LISTEN -cg for --CLOSING -u for --UNKNOWN -a for --auto -h for --help The special -a or --auto parameter takes an integer. This will cause the program to refresh the screen and output every integer seconds. Here a brief description of status meanings: ESTABLISHED The socket has an established connection. SYN_SENT The socket is actively attempting to establish a connection. SYN_RECV A connection request has been received from the network. FIN_WAIT1 The socket is closed, and the connection is shutting down. FIN_WAIT2 Connection is closed, and the socket is waiting for a shutdown from the remote end. TIME_WAIT The socket is waiting after close to handle packets still in the network. CLOSE The socket is not being used. CLOSE_WAIT The remote end has shut down, waiting for the socket to close. LAST_ACK The remote end has shut down, and the socket is closed. Waiting for acknowledgement. LISTEN The socket is listening for incoming connections. Such sockets are not included in the output unless you specify the --listening (-l) or --all (-a) option. CLOSING Both sockets are shut down but we still don't have all our data sent. UNKNOWN The state of the socket is unknown. You can get further information by calling "perldoc netstats.pl". EOF exit 1; } sub _vim_placeholder {} __END__ =head1 NAME netstats.pl =head1 DESCRIPTION Display C<netstat> socket status information on Win/*nix platforms. =head1 README This script displays any or all of the 'netstat' socket status counts on Windows and Unix platforms, once, or in a continuous loop. =head1 SYNOPSIS # prints all statuses once, and exits ./netstat.pl # print only specific statuses, and exit ./netstat.pl --ARG1 --ARG2 # displays only select statuses # clears screen, loops and prints output every N seconds # works with specific status arguments ./netstat.pl --auto N OPTIONS: Options specifies which status will be reported in the output. Name of status can be given in upper or lower case. If no options are given all statuses will be printed. You can use the following option abbreviations: -e for --ESTABLISHED -ss for --SYN_SENT -sr for --SYN_RECV -f1 for --FIN_WAIT1 -f2 for --FIN_WAIT2 -tw for --Time_WAIT -c for --CLOSE -cw for --CLOSE_WAIT -la for --LAST_ACK -l for --LISTEN -cg for --CLOSING -u for --UNKNOWN -a for --auto -h for --help Here a brief description of status meanings: ESTABLISHED The socket has an established connection. SYN_SENT The socket is actively attempting to establish a connection. SYN_RECV A connection request has been received from the network. FIN_WAIT1 The socket is closed, and the connection is shutting down. FIN_WAIT2 Connection is closed, and the socket is waiting for a shutdown from the remote end. TIME_WAIT The socket is waiting after close to handle packets still in the network. CLOSE The socket is not being used. CLOSE_WAIT The remote end has shut down, waiting for the socket to close. LAST_ACK The remote end has shut down, and the socket is closed. Waiting for acknowledgement. LISTEN The socket is listening for incoming connections. Such sockets are not included in the output unless you specify the --listening (-l) or --all (-a) option. CLOSING Both sockets are shut down but we still don't have all our data sent. UNKNOWN The state of the socket is unknown. =pod OSNAMES linux MSWin32 msys =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES Networking UNIX/System_administration Win32/Utilities =pod PREREQUISITES Getopt::Long =head1 AUTHOR Steve Bertrand, C<< <steveb at cpan.org> >> =head1 THANKS TO Discipulus from over at PerlMonks for adding the original usage/help output, added the C<Getopt::Long> functionality, and added the remaining statuses that weren't included in the original posting of the script. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this script with the perldoc command. perldoc ./netstat.pl =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2015 Steve Bertrand. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information. =cut