# NAME Net::SMPP::SSL - SSL support for Net::SMTP # SYNOPSIS use Net::SMTP::SSL; my $ssmpp = Net::SMPP::SSL->new_connect( 'example.com', port => 3550 ); # DESCRIPTION Net::SMPP::SSL implements the same API as Net::SMPP, but uses IO::Socket::SSL for its network operations. For interface documentation, please see Net::SMPP. The implementation is based the approach used for Net::SMTP::SSL, thanks to the authors. # SEE ALSO Net::SMPP, IO::Socket::SSL, perl. # LICENSE Copyright (C) Stefan Stuehrmann. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Stefan Stuehrmann <stefan.stuehrmann@emnify.com>