NAME Test::Mock::Wrapper VERSION version 0.001 SYNOPSIS use Test::Mock::Wrapper; use Foo; my $foo = Foo->new; my $wrapper = Test::Mock::Wrapper->new($foo); $wrapper->addMock('bar', with=>['baz'], returns=>'snarf'); &callBar($wrapper->getObject); $wrapper->verify('bar')->with(['baz'])->once; DESCRIPTION This is another module for mocking objects in perl. It will wrap around an existing object, allowing you to mock any calls for testing purposes. It also records the arguments passed to the mocked methods for later examination. The verification methods are designed to be chainable for easily readable tests for example: # Verify method foo was called with argument 'bar' at least once. $mockWrapper->verify('foo')->with('bar')->at_least(1); # Verify method 'baz' was called at least 2 times, but not more than 5 times $mockWrapper->verify('baz')->at_least(2)->at_most(5); METHODS Test::Mock::Wrapper->new($object, [%options]) Creates a new wrapped mock object and a controller/accessor object used to manipulate the mock without poluting the namespace of the object being mocked. Valid options: type=>(mock|stub|wrap): Type of mocking to use. mock: All methods available on the underlying object will be available, and all will be mocked stub: Any method called on the mock object will be stubbed, even those which do not exist in the original object wrap (default): Only methods which have been specifically set up with addMock will be mocked all others will be passed through to the underlying object. recordAll=>BOOLEAN (default false) If set to true, this will record the arguments to all calls made to the object, regardless of the method being mocked or not. recordMethod=>(copy|clone) By default arguments will be a simple copy of @_, use clone to make a deep copy of all data passed in. If references are being passed in, the default will not trap the state of the object or reference at the time the method was called, though clone will. Naturally using clone will cause a larger memory foot print. $wrapper->getObject This method returns the wrapped 'mock' object. The object is actually a Test::Mock::Wrapped object, however it can be used exactly as the object originally passed to the constructor would be, with the additional hooks provieded by the wrapper baked in. $wrapper->resetCalls([$method]) This method clears out the memory of calls that have been made, which is usefull if using the same mock wrapper instance multiple tests. When called without arguments, all call history is cleared. With the optional $method argument, only history for that method is called. $wrapper->resetMocks([$method]) This method clears out all previously provided mocked methods. Without arguments, all mocks are cleared. With the optional $method argument, only mocks for that method are cleared. $wrapper->addMock($method, [OPTIONS]) This method is used to add a new mocked method call. Currently supports two optional parameters: * returns used to specify a value to be returned when the method is called. $wrapper->addMock('foo', returns=>'bar') * with used to limit the scope of the mock based on the value of the arguments. Test::Deep's eq_deeply is used to match against the provided arguments, so any syntax supported there will work with Test::Mock::Wrapper; $wrapper->addMock('foo', with=>['baz'], returns=>'bat') The with option is really only usefull to specify a different return value based on the arguments passed to the mocked method. When addMock is called with no with option, the returns value is used as the "default", meaning it will be returned only if the arguments passed to the mocked method do not match any of the provided with conditions. For example: $wrapper->addMock('foo', returns=>'bar'); $wrapper->addMock('foo', with=>['baz'], returns=>'bat'); $wrapper->addMock('foo', with=>['bam'], returns=>'ouch'); my $mocked = $wrapper->getObject; print $mocked->foo('baz'); # prints 'bat' print $mocked->foo('flee'); # prints 'bar' print $mocked->foo; # prints 'bar' print $mocked->foo('bam'); # prints 'ouch' $wrapper->isMocked($method, $args) This is a boolean method which returns true if a call to the specified method on the underlying wrapped object would be handled by a mock, and false otherwise. Any conditional mocks specified with the with option will be evaluated accordingly. $wrapper->addMock('foo', with=>['bar'], returns=>'baz'); $wrapper->isMocked('foo', ['bam']); # False $wrapper->isMocked('foo', ['bar']); # True $wrapper->getCallsTo($method) This method wil return an array of the arguments passed to each call to the specified method, in the order they were recieved. $wrapper->verify($method) This call returns a Test::Mock::Wrapper::Verify object, which can be used to examine any calls which have been made to the specified method thus far. These objects are intended to be used to simplify testing, and methods called on the it are chainable to lend to more readable tests. AUTHOR Dave Mueller <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Dave Mueller. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.