graphql - Command-line GraphQL client


    version 0.602


        graphql <URL> <QUERY> [ [--variables JSON] | [--variable KEY=VALUE]... ]
                [--operation-name NAME] [--transport KEY=VALUE]...
                [--[no-]unpack] [--format json|json:pretty|yaml|perl|csv|tsv|table]
                [--output FILE]
        graphql --version|--help|--manual


    graphql is a command-line program for executing queries and mutations
    on a GraphQL <> server.


    There are several ways to install graphql to your system.

 from CPAN

    You can install graphql using cpanm:

        cpanm GraphQL::Client

 from GitHub

    You can also choose to download graphql as a self-contained executable:

        curl -OL
        chmod +x graphql

    To hack on the code, clone the repo instead:

        git clone
        cd graphql-client
        make bootstrap      # installs dependencies; requires cpanm


 --url URL

    The URL of the GraphQL server endpoint.

    If no --url option is given, the first argument is assumed to be the

    This option is required.

    Alias: -u

 --query STR

    The query or mutation to execute.

    If no --query option is given, the next argument (after URL) is assumed
    to be the query.

    If the value is "-" (which is the default), the query will be read from


    Alias: --mutation

 --variables JSON

    Provide the variables as a JSON object.

    Aliases: --vars, -V

 --variable KEY=VALUE

    An alternative way to provide variables one at a time. This option can
    be repeated to provide multiple variables.

    If used in combination with "--variables JSON", this option is silently


    Aliases: --var, -d

 --operation-name NAME

    Inform the server which query/mutation to execute.

    Alias: -n

 --output FILE

    Write the response to a file instead of STDOUT.

    Alias: -o

 --transport KEY=VALUE

    Key-value pairs for configuring the transport (usually HTTP).

    Alias: -t

 --format STR

    Specify the output format to use. See "FORMAT".

    Alias: -f


    Enables unpack mode.

    By default, the response structure is printed as-is from the server,
    and the program exits 0.

    When unpack mode is enabled, if the response completes with no errors,
    only the data section of the response is printed and the program exits
    0. If the response has errors, the whole response structure is printed
    as-is and the program exits 1.

    See "EXAMPLES".


    The argument for "--format STR" can be one of:

      * csv - Comma-separated values (requires Text::CSV)

      * json:pretty - Human-readable JSON (default)

      * json - JSON

      * perl - Perl code (requires Data::Dumper)

      * table - Table (requires Text::Table::Any)

      * tsv - Tab-separated values (requires Text::CSV)

      * yaml - YAML (requires YAML)

    The csv, tsv, and table formats will only work if the response has a
    particular shape:

            "data" : {
                "onefield" : [
                        "key" : "value",


            "data" : {
                "onefield" : [

    If the response cannot be formatted, the default format will be used
    instead, an error message will be printed to STDERR, and the program
    will exit 3.

    Table formatting can be done by one of several different modules, each
    with its own features and bugs. The default module is
    Text::Table::Tiny, but this can be overridden using the PERL_TEXT_TABLE
    environment variable if desired, like this:

        PERL_TEXT_TABLE=Text::Table::HTML graphql ... -f table

    The list of supported modules is at "@BACKENDS" in Text::Table::Any.


    Different ways to provide the query/mutation to execute:

        graphql http://myserver/graphql {hello}
        echo {hello} | graphql http://myserver/graphql
        graphql http://myserver/graphql <<END
        > {hello}
        > END
        graphql http://myserver/graphql
        Interactive mode engaged! Waiting for a query on <STDIN>...

    Execute a query with variables:

        graphql http://myserver/graphql <<END --var episode=JEDI
        > query HeroNameAndFriends($episode: Episode) {
        >   hero(episode: $episode) {
        >     name
        >     friends {
        >       name
        >     }
        >   }
        > }
        > END
        graphql http://myserver/graphql --vars '{"episode":"JEDI"}'

    Configure the transport:

        graphql http://myserver/graphql {hello} -t headers.authorization='Basic s3cr3t'

    This example shows the effect of "--unpack":

        graphql http://myserver/graphql {hello}
        # Output:
            "data" : {
                "hello" : "Hello world!"
        graphql http://myserver/graphql {hello} --unpack
        # Output:
            "hello" : "Hello world!"


    Some environment variables affect the way graphql behaves:

      * GRAPHQL_CLIENT_DEBUG - Set to 1 to print diagnostic messages to

      * GRAPHQL_CLIENT_HTTP_USER_AGENT - Set the HTTP user agent string.

      * GRAPHQL_CLIENT_OPTIONS - Set the default set of options.

      * PERL_TEXT_TABLE - Set table format backend; see "FORMAT".


    Here is a consolidated summary of what exit statuses mean:

      * 0 - Success

      * 1 - Client or server errors

      * 2 - Option usage is wrong

      * 3 - Could not format the response as requested


      * GraphQL::Client - Programmatic interface


    Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

    When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
    to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


    Charles McGarvey <>


    This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Charles McGarvey.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.