====== Revised: Jan 14, 2007,  Chaoji Li<lichaoji@ict.ac.cn> ===========

There are some other MIX simulators in the world, but none of them
is in Perl. 

That's why I start to write this one. 

It supports almost all instructions, except support for typewriter,
paper tape, and float operations.

Card reader/punch and printer are supported.
Disk/tape are partial supported.

 I N S T A L L

Install "Build" module from CPAN.

perl Build.PL
perl Build
perl Build test
perl Build install

 Q U I C K   S T A R T

In the package directory, 

>perl mixasm.pl mixal/primes

Three files will be generated in the current directory.

   * primes.lst -- listing files
   * primes.mix -- memory dump file
   * primes.crd -- card deck file which can be loaded by mix simulator

>perl mixsim.pl --batch --cardreader=primes.crd

The outputs are:

== PAGE 1 OF 1 ==
     0002 0233 0547 0877 1229 1597 1993 2371 2749 3187
     0229 0541 0863 1223 1583 1987 2357 2741 3181 3571     

You can also enter the interactive mode. An example session is
shown below.

>perl mixsim.pl --cardreader=primes.crd

    M I X   S i m u l a t o r

Type 'h' for help messages.
MIX> g 3000
 rA: + 00 00 00 00 00  rX: + 00 33 30 30 30
rI1: + 00 00 00 00 00  rI2: - 00 00 00 00 30
rI3: + 00 00 00 46 56  rI4: + 00 00 00 00 00
rI5: + 00 00 00 00 00  rI6: + 00 00 00 00 00
 rJ: + 00 00 00 00 14
PC = 13  NEXT = 3000  NO EQ OK
Previous inst: + 0 0 3 1 40
    Next inst: + 0 0 0 18 35
MIX> g 3029
 rA: + 30 30 30 30 30  rX: + 30 30 32 32 39
rI1: + 00 00 00 00 00  rI2: + 00 00 00 55 51
rI3: + 00 00 00 00 19  rI4: + 00 00 00 31 51
rI5: + 00 00 00 00 00  rI6: + 00 00 00 00 00
 rJ: + 00 00 00 47 18
PC = 3028  NEXT = 3029  NO LT OK
Previous inst: + 47 11 0 0 45
    Next inst: + 0 0 0 2 5
MIX> prt
Page 1 of 1
     0002 0233 0547 0877 1229 1597 1993 2371 2749 3187
     0229 0541 0863 1223 1583 1987 2357 2741 3181 3571

 C H A N G E   L O G
0.10: Feb 24, 2008
    - Add CON support for mixasm.pl, parse_w_value
0.09: Feb 17, 2008

    - Fix bug: mixasm.pl: no TRANS card if no end of line after "END

    - Add feature: show execution count and time for
      instrunctions in the 'd' command

0.08: Feb 07, 2008

    - Fix a timing bug in wait_until_device_ready (+=)

0.07: Feb 06, 2008

    - Add timing

0.06: Jan 14, 2007

    - Add disk and tape support
    - rewrite io device management

0.05: Dec 13, 2006

    - support full instructions
    - support only part of the io devices(card reader/punch, printer)

    - Apr. 2006: mixsim.pl: add a command line user interface
               : mixasm.pl: add generate code 

    - Nov. 2006: create test cases; fix some bugs

0.03: add mixasm.pl
0.02: add load operations, display registers and flags
0.01: basic reset, only halt instruction