NAME Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Htpasswd - Basic HTTP authentication with htpasswd files in Dancer apps VERSION Version 0.012 SYNOPSIS Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Htpasswd allows you to use Apache-style htpasswd files to implement basic HTTP authentication in Dancer web applications. Add the plugin to your application: use Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Htpasswd; In the configuration file, list the paths that you want to protect and the htpasswd files to use: plugins: "Auth::Htpasswd": paths: "/restricted": /path/to/htpasswd "/secret/documents": realm: "Top Secret Documents" passwd_file: /different/path/to/htpasswd You can also enable authentication by calling the `auth_htpasswd' function in a before filter: before sub { auth_htpasswd realm => 'Secret Files', passwd_file => '/path/to/htpasswd'; }; or in a route handler: get '/restricted' => sub { auth_htpasswd '/path/to/htpasswd'; # Authenticated ... }; DESCRIPTION Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Htpasswd provides a simple way to implement basic HTTP authentication in Dancer web applications using Apache-style htpasswd files. CONFIGURATION To configure the plugin, add its options in the `plugins' section of your application's configuration file. The supported options are listed below. paths Defines one or more paths that will be protected, including sub-paths (so if the path is `"/restricted"', then `"/restricted/secret/file.html"' will also be protected). Each path can have the following parameters: * `passwd_file' Location of the htpasswd file. * `realm' Realm name that will be displayed in the authentication dialog. Default: `"Restricted area"' Example: plugins: "Auth::Htpasswd": paths: "/classified": realm: "Classified Files" passwd_file: /path/to/htpasswd If you don't need to set the realm, you can use the simplified syntax with just the location of the htpasswd file: plugins: "Auth::Htpasswd": paths: "/secret/documents": /path/to/htpasswd "/restricted": /another/path/to/htpasswd SUBROUTINES auth_htpasswd Call this function in a before filter or at the beginning of a route handler. It checks the specified htpasswd file to verify if the client is authorized to access the requested path -- if not, it immediately returns a 401 Unauthorized response to prompt the user to authenticate. You can call this function with a single parameter, which is the location of the htpasswd file to use: auth_htpasswd '/path/to/htpasswd'; or, with a hash of parameters: auth_htpasswd realm => 'Authorized personnel only', passwd_file => '/path/to/htpasswd'; Parameters: * `passwd_file' Location of the htpasswd file. * `realm' Realm name that will be displayed in the authentication dialog. Default: `"Restricted area"' AUTHOR Michal Wojciechowski, `<odyniec at>' BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to `bug-dancer-plugin-auth-htpasswd at', or through the web interface at wd. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Htpasswd You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The plugin uses the Authen::Htpasswd module, written by David Kamholz and Yuval Kogman. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011 Michal Wojciechowski. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.