[](https://travis-ci.org/titsuki/p6-Text-Sift4) NAME ==== Text::Sift4 - A Perl 6 Sift4 (Super Fast and Accurate string distance algorithm) implementation SYNOPSIS ======== use Text::Sift4; say sift4("abc", "ab"); # OUTPUT: «1â¤Â» say sift4("ab", "abc"); # OUTPUT: «1â¤Â» say sift4("abc", "xxx"); # OUTPUT: «3â¤Â» DESCRIPTION =========== Text::Sift4 is a Perl 6 Sift4 implementation. Sift4 computes approximate results of Levenshtein Distance. METHODS ======= sift4 ----- Defined as: sub sift4(Str $lhs, Str $rhs, Int :$max-offset = 5 --> Int:D) is export returns approximation of Levenshtein Distance. * Str `$lhs` is one side of the strings to compare. * Str `$rhs` is one side of the strings to compare. * Int `:$max-offset` is the maximum offset value. The value is default to 5. AUTHOR ====== Itsuki Toyota <titsuki@cpan.org> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2018 Itsuki Toyota Sift4 Algorithm was invented by Siderite, and is from: https://siderite.blogspot.com/2014/11/super-fast-and-accurate-string-distance.html This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.