== CGI::Session::Driver::memcache

Memcached Session store backend compatible with (almost) any Perl
memcache client module.

memcache Client API method requirements (any module that has methods with
these names and signatures should be compatible):
- get($key)
- set($key, $val)
- delete($key)

No other methods of particular memcache client library are used by

== Installation
perl Makefile.pl
make test
make install

Module depend on CGI::Session. On Debian / Ubuntu you can install it by:
sudo apt-get install libcgi-session-perl
You will also need one of the Memcache client libraries (see "Perl Memcached Client Libs").
For tests to run (and your app to run with this module) you also need to be
running Memcached (see "Server Installation").

== Testing sessions against localhost

- Have memcached installed on localhost
- Check if running by: ps -ef | grep memcache
- Run it by: sudo /etc/init.d/memcached start (by default it may not run
  after boot - depending on OS distribution)
- Run web server on localhost
- Run script in directory "example" as CGI-script (make sure it is in a
  location where you have CGI executability rights)

== Perl Memcached Client Libs
- Cache::Memcached (Debian/Ubuntu: libcache-memcached-perl)
- Cache::Memcached::XS (Uses libmemcache.so native library)
- Cache::Memcached::libmemcached (by DBI guru Tim Bunce, has also nice
  comparison of various memcache client modules)
- Cache::Memcahced::Fast (Debian: libcache-memcached-fast-perl)
- Others: Search CPAN for "memcache"

It may be a good idea to install "libmemcached-tools" to test memcached
function from command line (Utilities: memccp, memcdump, memccat).
These will prove to be valuable in debugging.

== Server Installation
- If no OS install package: Compile from source, downloadable from:
  - http://memcached.org/ (OLD: http://danga.com/memcached/)
- Install in Debian / Ubuntu
  - sudo apt-get install memcached
- install in RedHat / RHEL / Centos
  - yum install memcached
- Testing the server
  - /etc/init.d/memcached status
  - Dump keys: memcdump --servers=localhost