NAME ---- MooseX-Types-Locale-Language INSTALLATION ------------ To install this distribution, first, to make Makefile, build this distribution and run tests by the following command: cpan -t . next, to deploy this distribution by the following command: cpan -i . DEPENDENCIES ------------ See C<Makefile.PL>. DESCRIPTION ----------- This is Locale::Language related constraints and coercions for Moose. See further document of this distribution by the following commands: perldoc MooseX::Types::Locale::Language AUTHOR ------ MORIYA Masaki ("Gardejo") <moriya at ermitejo dot com>, LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT --------------------- Copyright (c) 2009 by MORIYA Masaki ("Gardejo"), L<>. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlgpl and perlartistic.